在 circuitikz 中描述“流畅”电路

在 circuitikz 中描述“流畅”电路



    (0,4) node[left](A){$A$}
    (0,3) node[left](B){$B$}
    (0,2) node[left](C){$C$}
    (0,1) node[left](D){$D$}
    (0,0) node[left](E){$E$}
    (2,3.5) node[or port](AoB){}
    (A) -| (AoB.in 1)
    (B) -| (AoB.in 2)
    (2,1.5) node[or port](CoD){}
    (C) -| (CoD.in 1)
    (D) -| (CoD.in 2)
    (5,2.5) node[and port](t1){}
    (AoB.out) -| (t1.in 1)
    (CoD.out) -| (t1.in 2)
    (8, 1.25) node[or port](Y){} ++(1,0) node[right]{$Y$}
    (t1.out) -| (Y.in 1)
    (E) -| (Y.in 2);


    (0,4) node[left](A){$A$}
    ++(0,-1) node[left](B){$B$}
    ++(2,0.5) node[or port](AoB){}

    (A) -| (AoB.in 1)
    (B) -| (AoB.in 2)

    (0,2) node[left](C){$C$}
    ++(0,-1) node[left](D){$D$}
    ++(2,0.5) node[or port](CoD){}

    (C) -| (CoD.in 1)
    (D) -| (CoD.in 2)

    (5,2.5) node[and port](t1){}
    (AoB.out) -| (t1.in 1)
    (CoD.out) -| (t1.in 2)

    (0,0) node[left](E){$E$}

    (8, 1.25) node[or port](Y){} ++(1,0) node[right]{$Y$}
    (t1.out) -| (Y.in 1)
    (E) -| (Y.in 2);







  • 紧凑的绘图(可能太多了?)
  • 垂直距离恒定的输入列表
  • 几乎自动的定位(你只需要一个神奇的数字,移动到位置(A)

诀窍是对门 1 和 2 使用 3 输入或,这样当堆叠时它们就不会接触(也许我应该想出一个更好的方法来实现这一点?端口的另一个参数?问题是对于通用数量的内部/外部输入来说,考虑它很复杂)。

\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\ctikzset{logic ports=ieee}
% we will use 3-inputs ports with just input 1 and 2. We suppress
% input leads to use them.
\tikzset{asymmetric/.style={no input leads, number inputs=3}}

    % first gate to "guide" everything.
    \draw (0,10) node[or port, asymmetric](OR1){};
    % inputs position
    \draw (OR1.bin 1) -- ++(-1,0) node[left](A){$A$};
    \draw (OR1.bin 3) -- (OR1.bin 3-|A.east) node[left](B){$B$};
    % use calc to put the input at the same vertical distance
    \foreach \inode [count=\iy from 2] in {C, D, E}
        \path ($(A.east)!\iy!(B.east)$) node [left](\inode){$\inode$};
    % position second or an connect it
    \draw (C.east) -- (C.east -| OR1.bin 1)
        node [or port, asymmetric, anchor=bin 1](OR2){};
    \draw (D.east) -- (OR2.bin 3);
    % position the and port (this is a normal 2-port)
    \node [and port, anchor=west](AND1) at ($(OR1.out)!0.5!(OR2.out)$) {};
    \draw (OR1.out) -- (AND1.in 1) (AND1.in 2) -- (OR2.out);
    % find the position for the last OR; first move (E) under AND1
    \coordinate (E1) at (E.east -| AND1.out);
    % position the or and connect
    \node [or port, anchor=west](OR3) at ($(AND1.out)!0.5!(E1)$) {};
    \draw (AND1.out) -- (OR3.in 1) (OR3.in 2) |- (E.east);
    % and output
    \node [right](Y) at (OR3.out) {Y};


请注意,这里的一个坏处是使用如此多不同的\draw路径联合远非完美(使用to [short, .-.]将产生更好的联合;例如改变

\draw (OR1.out) -- (AND1.in 1) (AND1.in 2) -- (OR2.out);

\draw (OR1.out) to[short, .-.] (AND1.in 1) 
      (AND1.in 2) to[short, .-.]  (OR2.out);
