我正在尝试在 Mac OS Catalia 10.15.6 中的 texmaker 5.0.4 上编译 latex 文件。我拥有所有必需的 MacTex 文件,并且我已确保 texmaker 中的首选项设置正常。当我编译时,它总是给我两个错误,并且没有生成 pdf 文件:
- 将数据写入 PDF 文件后,PDF 版本无法更改。
- 发生致命错误,未生成输出 PDF 文件!我尝试在序言开头添加 \RequirePackage{pdf14} 并关闭 Acrobat Reader。但都不起作用。这只是我上周使用的新 Mac 中的一个问题。在我的旧 Mac 上,使用 texmaker 5.0.3 和 Mac OS Catalia 10.15.6,编译在完全相同的设置下运行良好。
\documentclass[11pt,english]{article} %by Mehmet
%\documentclass[opre,nonblindrev,copyedit]{informs3} %by Han
%\usepackage{ulem} %%the effect of deleteing words/sentences
\usepackage{graphicx}%for subfigure added by Han
\usepackage{subfigure}%for subfigure added by Han
\usepackage{booktabs}%for table cmidrule command added by Han
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% Natbib setup for author-year style
\definechangesauthor[name=Mehmet, color=purple]{MG}
\definechangesauthor[name=Saibal, color=red]{SR}
\definechangesauthor[name=Han, color=blue]{HZ}
\bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{,}%
\def\newblock{\ }%
\def\ep{\epsilon}%%%added by Han
\def\uep{\underline{\ep}}%%%added by Han
\def\oep{\overline{\epsilon}}%%%added by Han
\def\bc{\bar{c}}%%%added by Han
\pdfminorversion 3
%% Setup of theorem styles. Outcomment only one.
%% Preferred default is the first option.
% Theorem environments
\newtheorem{observation}{Observation}%%added by Han
\newtheorem{hypothesis}{Hypothesis}%%%added by Han