我把这段代码调整到我的文档中,到目前为止,一切都按照我想要的方式工作,只是我无法弄清楚如何打破原始代码与算法标题中出现的名称并将其与我的新名称联系起来:奥达利斯蒂(单词表)。我想我知道哪一行是罪魁祸首(参见 MWE),但我一直无法找到如何修改它来调用我的新环境的名称(奥达利斯蒂为\begin{bigwordlist}
\usepackage{algorithm} % if I delete this it breaks at \caption
{\center{\ALG@name~\thewordlist}{:} ##2\par}% problematic line
\chapter{List chapter}
This is a short list:
Master cleanse edison \\ bulb bicycle rights ad \\ affogato ethical \\ Truffaut mustache fugiat \\ skateboard shaman man braid \\
\caption{this is a short list}
This is a very long list that I have:
Master cleanse edison \\ bulb bicycle rights ad \\ affogato ethical \\ Truffaut mustache fugiat \\ skateboard shaman man braid \\
tumeric irure sunt \\ enamel pin \\ in taiyaki \\ Tacos velit four\\ loko listicle health \\ goth narwhal \\ XOXO \\ esse mumblecore ea \\
bitters +1 \\ Organic sartorial authentic \\ waistcoat officia \\ reprehenderit pork \\ belly helvetica mumblecore \\ Chillwave dreamcatcher marfa \\
ea artisan kickstarter \\ thundercats \\ lo-fi tofu \\ before they sold out \\ air plant \\ woke offal \\ Typewriter truffaut quinoa \\
everyday carry \\ ethical narwhal in \\ Selfies la croix \\ cray salvia subway tile \\ bitters vexillologist \\ enim tumeric anim \\ Craft beer \\
meh lorem \\ air plant \\ adaptogen stumptown \\ cold-pressed chartreuse\\ deserunt chicharrones forage \\ Lomo cupidatat \\ subway tile \\
locavore ut \\ 90's keffiyeh ramps \\ consectetur truffaut \\ skateboard \\ pour-over slow-carb \\ irony subway \\ tile adipisicing aliquip \\
Yuccie vinyl shoreditch \\ mumblecore \\ sriracha \\ tote bag \\ heirloom gluten-free wayfarers \\ letterpress glossier \\ Green juice taiyaki \\
chambray actually \\ letterpress \\ XOXO lyft \\ duis af sed \\ flannel \\ gentrify deep v. Dreamcatcher \\ cornhole flexitarian \\ mumblecore street art\\
raw denim \\ Live-edge \\ vegan portland \\ cray et yuccie \\ beard \\ shabby chic qui \\ selvage roof party \\ sunt \\ Pour-over yr \\ mollit raclette \\
beard brooklyn \\ hell of hexagon pork belly celiac \\ Succulents chambray\\ incididunt coloring book \\ disrupt flexitarian taiyaki sed \\ Before they sold out \\
edison bulb \\ prism \\ farm-to-table \\ do coloring book \\ Tattooed lorem \\ cred tacos \\ before they sold out \\ viral \\ man bun \\ cray enamel \\
pin wolf \\ Tofu wolf\\ semiotics id typewriter \\ XOXO \\ you probably haven't heard of them \\ tote bag \\ williamsburg \\ Asymmetrical heirloom \\
taxidermy cred \\ ea occaecat squid \\ fugiat labore \\ PBR\&B godard \\ the end
\caption{this is a long list}
{\center{\fname@wordlist~\thewordlist}{:} ##2\par}% problematic line
\chapter{List chapter}
This is a short list:
Master cleanse edison \\ bulb bicycle rights ad \\ affogato ethical \\ Truffaut mustache fugiat \\ skateboard shaman man braid \\
\caption{this is a short list}
This is a very long list that I have:
Master cleanse edison \\ bulb bicycle rights ad \\ affogato ethical \\ Truffaut mustache fugiat \\ skateboard shaman man braid \\
tumeric irure sunt \\ enamel pin \\ in taiyaki \\ Tacos velit four\\ loko listicle health \\ goth narwhal \\ XOXO \\ esse mumblecore ea \\
bitters +1 \\ Organic sartorial authentic \\ waistcoat officia \\ reprehenderit pork \\ belly helvetica mumblecore \\ Chillwave dreamcatcher marfa \\
ea artisan kickstarter \\ thundercats \\ lo-fi tofu \\ before they sold out \\ air plant \\ woke offal \\ Typewriter truffaut quinoa \\
everyday carry \\ ethical narwhal in \\ Selfies la croix \\ cray salvia subway tile \\ bitters vexillologist \\ enim tumeric anim \\ Craft beer \\
meh lorem \\ air plant \\ adaptogen stumptown \\ cold-pressed chartreuse\\ deserunt chicharrones forage \\ Lomo cupidatat \\ subway tile \\
locavore ut \\ 90's keffiyeh ramps \\ consectetur truffaut \\ skateboard \\ pour-over slow-carb \\ irony subway \\ tile adipisicing aliquip \\
Yuccie vinyl shoreditch \\ mumblecore \\ sriracha \\ tote bag \\ heirloom gluten-free wayfarers \\ letterpress glossier \\ Green juice taiyaki \\
chambray actually \\ letterpress \\ XOXO lyft \\ duis af sed \\ flannel \\ gentrify deep v. Dreamcatcher \\ cornhole flexitarian \\ mumblecore street art\\
raw denim \\ Live-edge \\ vegan portland \\ cray et yuccie \\ beard \\ shabby chic qui \\ selvage roof party \\ sunt \\ Pour-over yr \\ mollit raclette \\
beard brooklyn \\ hell of hexagon pork belly celiac \\ Succulents chambray\\ incididunt coloring book \\ disrupt flexitarian taiyaki sed \\ Before they sold out \\
edison bulb \\ prism \\ farm-to-table \\ do coloring book \\ Tattooed lorem \\ cred tacos \\ before they sold out \\ viral \\ man bun \\ cray enamel \\
pin wolf \\ Tofu wolf\\ semiotics id typewriter \\ XOXO \\ you probably haven't heard of them \\ tote bag \\ williamsburg \\ Asymmetrical heirloom \\
taxidermy cred \\ ea occaecat squid \\ fugiat labore \\ PBR\&B godard \\ the end
\caption{this is a long list}