\documentclass{article} % or another class
\usepackage{xcolor} % before tikz or tkz-euclide if necessary
\usepackage{tkz-euclide} % no need to load TikZ
\usetikzlibrary{babel} %if there are problems with the active characters
%arbitrary points
%tangent to circle
% \tkzDrawLine(A,B)%--------uncomment to show line
%mid point of tangent line
%perpendicular to tangent
\tkzDefLine[orthogonal =through P](B,A)\tkzGetPoint{X}
%drw circle with radius XP
%define radius of smaller circle
\tkzDefPointWith[linear,K=0.3](X,P) \tkzGetPoint{x}
%draw smaller circle
%labelling radius r1
\tkzDrawSegment[<->, >=triangle 45](x,P)
%label radius r
\tkzDrawSegments[<->, >=triangle 45](X,y)
%arbitrary points
%tangent to circle
%\tkzDrawLine(A,B)%--------uncomment to show line
%mid point of tangent line
%perpendicular to tangent
\tkzDefLine[orthogonal =through P](A,B)\tkzGetPoint{X}
\tkzDrawSegment[<->, >=triangle 45](P,X)
%drw circle with radius XP
%perpendicular to tangent
%define radius of smaller circle
\tkzDefPointWith[linear,K=0.3](y,P) \tkzGetPoint{x}
\tkzDrawSegment[<->, >=triangle 45](P,x)
%drw circle with radius XP
\tkzDrawSegments[<->, >=triangle 45](X,X')
\tkzLabelLine[pos=0.5,above, sloped](X,X'){r}