


我目前正在努力让图片位于文本旁边。我知道有 minipage 命令,但我只是想知道是否有更简单的方法?


\documentclass[10pt, a4paper, oneside, notitlepage]{article}
\usepackage{geometry, rotating, sidecap}

{\large\bf{Car Stopping Distances}}

\item The UK {\emph {Highway Code}} has a table of "Typical Stopping Distances" on straight roads in dry conditions. The diagram is based on this information.
\\The shaded arrows represent the "thinking distance", the unshaded part the "braking distance", and the whole arrow the "stopping distance".
\item Make a table of the thinking distances d$_{think}$ and sketch a graph of d$_{think}$ against speed v, from v = 0 to v = 70 mph
\item Deduce a relation between these two variables
\item Predict the thinking distance for a police car travelling at 90 mph
\item How would the driver's consumption of alcohol/illegal substances affect the stopping distances? Explain your answer
\item Using the {\emph {Highway Code}} data from the previous question, make a table of the braking distances d$_{brake}$ and sketch a graph of d$_{brake}$ against v, from v = 0 to v = 70 mph.
\item The relationship here is that d$_{brake}$ = $k$v$^{2}$, where $k$ is a constant. Test this statement by calculating $k$ for three numerical values of d$_{brake}$ and v.
\item Use the data to calculate the acceleration when braking from {\bf(i)} 50 mph, {\bf(ii)} 70 mph
\item In France the motorways have different speed limits depending on the road condition.
They are:
\item when dry 130 kmh$^{-1}$
\item when wet 110 kmh$^{-1}$
Using the $\frac{5}{8}$ ratio, translate these into mph, and comment on the French system.\\
%   \begin{minipage}[]{0.55\linewidth}
\item A person who is properly held by a seat belt has a good chance of surviving a car collision if the deceleration does not exceed 30g. Assuming uniform deceleration at this rate, calculate the distance that the front section of the car must crumple if a crash occurs at 65 kmh$^{-1}$ 



此解决方案创建环境textbox(名字很差劲),以图像作为参数(如果需要,也可以使用\parboxminipage)。它与 wrapfigure 的不同之处在于它将要可以处理列表,但不能形成段落。由于每个列表\item都是一个单独的段落,所以这应该不是问题。

只需将所有环境正确嵌套即可。您可以使用[resume*]enumitem 包的功能在外部添加更多项目textbox

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper, oneside, notitlepage]{article}
\usepackage{geometry, rotating, sidecap}

\newsavebox{\tempbox}% reserve global name

\newenvironment{textbox}[1]% #1 = image (possibley parbox or minipage with \caption)
{\savebox\tempbox{\def\@captype{figure}#1}% measure image (also preserve for \endtextbox)
  \minipage[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth-\columnsep-\wd\tempbox}}%
{\endminipage\hfill\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\ht\tempbox}{\usebox\tempbox}}

{\large\bf{Car Stopping Distances}}

\item The UK {\emph {Highway Code}} has a table of "Typical Stopping Distances" on straight roads in dry conditions. The diagram is based on this information.

The shaded arrows represent the "thinking distance", the unshaded part the "braking distance", and the whole arrow the "stopping distance".
\begin{enumerate}% second layer
\item Make a table of the thinking distances d$_{think}$ and sketch a graph of d$_{think}$ against speed v, from v = 0 to v = 70 mph
\item Deduce a relation between these two variables
\item Predict the thinking distance for a police car travelling at 90 mph
\item How would the driver's consumption of alcohol/illegal substances affect the stopping distances? Explain your answer

\item Using the {\emph {Highway Code}} data from the previous question, make a table of the braking distances d$_{brake}$ and sketch a graph of d$_{brake}$ against v, from v = 0 to v = 70 mph.
\item The relationship here is that d$_{brake}$ = $k$v$^{2}$, where $k$ is a constant. Test this statement by calculating $k$ for three numerical values of d$_{brake}$ and v.
\item Use the data to calculate the acceleration when braking from {\bf(i)} 50 mph, {\bf(ii)} 70 mph
\item In France the motorways have different speed limits depending on the road condition.
They are:
\item when dry 130 kmh$^{-1}$
\item when wet 110 kmh$^{-1}$
Using the $\frac{5}{8}$ ratio, translate these into mph, and comment on the French system.\\

\item A person who is properly held by a seat belt has a good chance of surviving a car collision if the deceleration does not exceed 30g. Assuming uniform deceleration at this rate, calculate the distance that the front section of the car must crumple if a crash occurs at 65 kmh$^{-1}$

