

在此处输入图片描述我正在尝试生成此文件,但出现错误 pdflatex-halt-on-error-inter...我添加了包 \usepackage{graphicx},但它不起作用,有什么想法吗?

\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][c]{\hskip -\arraycolsep
\array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}}
\usetikzlibrary{external} % set this 
\tikzexternalize          % explicitly
\begin{quiz}{Revisiting Linear Algebra}
\begin{multi}[points=2]{Matrix Form of a Linear System}
Consider the following system
\begin{tikzpicture} % matrix inside of tikzpicture node
3.0 x_1    &+2.0 x_2     &+2.0  x_3      & -5.0 x_4 & =8 .0   \\
0.6 x_1   &+ 1.5 x_2     &+1.5 x_3       & -5.4 x_4 & =2.7 \\  
1.2 x_1   & -0.3 x_2      & -0.3 x_3      & 2.4 x_4   &  =2.1 , \\  

which may be written as a single vector equation; i.e, $\mathbf{AB}=\mathbf{B}$.\\
The $\mathbf{A}$ matrix associated with the system is:
\node{ $
3.0    &+2.0      &+2.0        & -5.0   \\
0.6    &+ 1.5      &+1.5        & -5.4   \\  
1.2    & -0.3      & -0.3      & 2.4 , \\  
\node{ $
8 .0   \\
2.7 \\  
2.1  \\  
  \item \begin{tikzpicture}
x_1 &\\
x_2& \\  
x_3 &\\  
x_4 &\\
3.0    &+2.0      &+2.0        & -5.0 &  8.0 \\
0.6    &+ 1.5     &+1.5       & -5.4  & 2.7 \\  
1.2    & -0.3      & -0.3       & 2.4 , & 2.1\\  
