


\definecolor{lava}{rgb}{0.81, 0.06, 0.13}
\definecolor{myblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.30, 0.60}

\item[$\rightarrow$] Let's consider two systems of linear equations that correspond to the same coefficient matrix $\mathbf{A}$


   \tikzstyle{column 8}=[myblue]
    \matrix [matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&](A){ 
    \& 3 x_1  \&+\& 5x_2    \& -\&4x_3   \& =\&  7\\
    -\& 3 x_1 \& -\&2x_2  \& +\&4x_3   \& =\&  -1\\
     \& 6  x_1 \& +\&x_2   \& -\&8x_3    \& = \& -4\\
   \tikzstyle{column 5}=[myblue]
    \matrix [matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&](A){ 
    \& 3 x_1  \&+\& 5x_2    \& -\&4x_3   \& =\&  7\\
    -\& 3 x_1 \& -\&2x_2  \& +\&4x_3   \& =\&  -1\\
     \& 6  x_1 \& +\&x_2   \& -\&8x_3    \& = \& -4\\



我删除了center第一列中的 -environment。现在两列完美对齐了。

\definecolor{lava}{rgb}{0.81, 0.06, 0.13}
\definecolor{myblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.30, 0.60}

\item[$\rightarrow$] Let's consider two systems of linear equations that correspond to the same coefficient matrix $\mathbf{A}$

       \tikzstyle{column 8}=[myblue]
        \matrix [matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&](A){ 
         \& 3 x_1  \&+\& 5x_2  \& -\&4x_3   \& =\&  7\\
        -\& 3 x_1  \& -\&2x_2  \& +\&4x_3   \& =\&  -1\\
         \& 6  x_1 \& +\&x_2   \& -\&8x_3   \& = \& -4\\

        \tikzstyle{column 5}=[myblue]
        \matrix [matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&](A){ 
         \& 3 x_1  \&+\& 5x_2 \& -\&4x_3   \& = \&  7\\
        -\& 3 x_1 \& -\&2x_2  \& +\&4x_3   \& = \&  -1\\
         \& 6  x_1 \& +\&x_2  \& -\&8x_3   \& = \& -4\\




  • 您需要在这两列中插入\begin{center}...\end{center}或者最好用命令替换它们\centering,如下面的 MWE 中所做的那样。
  • 无关:
    • 您可以合并两个矩阵的tikz共同选项\tikzset
    • beamer加载xtabular,这样你就不需要再次加载
    • 在下面的 MWE 中,矩阵元素之间的空间也减少了(通过inner xsep=1pt
\definecolor{lava}{rgb}{0.81, 0.06, 0.13}
\definecolor{myblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.30, 0.60}

\item[$\rightarrow$] Let's consider two systems of linear equations that correspond to the same coefficient matrix $\mathbf{A}$
\tikzset{M/.style={ >=stealth,thick,baseline,
                    matrix of math nodes,
                    inner xsep=1pt, 
                    column 8/.append style =myblue,
                    ampersand replacement=\&}
    \matrix (A) [M]    
     \& 3 x_1  \&+\& 5x_2  \&-\& 4x_3   \&=\&   7\\
    -\& 3 x_1  \&-\& 2x_2  \&+\& 4x_3   \&=\&  -1\\
     \& 6 x_1  \&+\&  x_2  \&-\& 8x_3   \&=\&  -4\\
    \matrix (B) [M]
     \& 3 x_1  \&+\& 5x_2   \&-\& 4x_3  \&=\&   7\\
    -\& 3 x_1  \&-\& 2x_2   \&+\& 4x_3  \&=\&  -1\\
     \& 6 x_1  \&+\&  x_2   \&-\& 8x_3  \&=\&  -4\\







\frametitle{Writing matrices in \texttt{beamer} }

\item[$\rightarrow$] Let's consider two systems of linear equations that correspond to the same coefficient matrix $\mathbf{A}$.
\tikzset{M/.style = {>=stealth,thick,baseline,
                    matrix of math nodes,
                    nodes={inner xsep=1pt, anchor=east},
                    column 4/.append style=blue,
\matrix (A) [M]
    3 x_1   + & 5x_2   - & 4x_3   = &   7\\
  - 3 x_1   - & 2x_2   + & 4x_3   = &  -1\\
    6 x_1   + &  x_2   - & 8x_3   = &  -4\\
    \matrix (B) [M]
        3 x_1   + & 5x_2   - & 4x_3   = &   7\\
      - 3 x_1   - & 2x_2   + & 4x_3   = &  -1\\
        6 x_1   + &  x_2   - & 8x_3   = &  -4\\

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