\tikzset{main node/.style={circle,fill=black,draw,minimum size=.2cm,inner sep=0pt},}
\node[main node, label=above:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$b$}] (2) [below right = 1cm and 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$c$}] (3) [below left = 1cm and 1cm of 1] {};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (3)
(1) edge node {} (3);
\end{tikzpicture} \hspace{2cm}
\node[main node, label=left:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$b$}] (2) [below = 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$c$}] (3) [right = 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$d$}] (4) [below = 1 cm of 3] {};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (4)
(3) edge node {} (4)
(1) edge node {} (3);
有很多方法可以实现这一点。对于完全没有标题的情况,您可以使用 M S 的答案,但不使用环境figure
而是使用 而不是subfigure
,并在 之后直接写入文本\end{tikzpicture}
,第二个图表用 向右移动\begin{scope}[xshift=5cm, local bounding box=b]
。local bounding box
创建一个适合 内容的节点scope
\tikzset{main node/.style={circle,fill=black,draw,minimum size=.2cm,inner sep=0pt},}
captiontext/.style={below=3mm, text width=5cm}
\node[main node, label=above:{$a$}] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$b$}, below right = 1cm and 1cm of 1] (2) {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$c$}, below left = 1cm and 1cm of 1] (3) {};
\draw [thick] (1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (1);
\node [captiontext] at (current bounding box.south) {Text text and more text ad infinitum and so on.};
\begin{scope}[xshift=5cm, local bounding box=b]
\node[main node, label=left:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$b$},below = 1cm of 1] (2) {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$c$}, right = 1cm of 1] (3) {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$d$}, below = 1 cm of 3] (4) {};
\draw [thick] (1) -- (2) -- (4) -- (3) -- (1);
\node [captiontext] at (b.south) {More text text and more text ad infinitum and so on going on for a bit.};
main node/.style={
minimum size=.2cm,
inner sep=0pt
% left column
\node[main node, label=above:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$b$}] (2) [below right = 1cm and 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$c$}] (3) [below left = 1cm and 1cm of 1] {};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (3)
(1) edge node {} (3);
\caption{This is the figure on the left, with a not so lengthy caption}
\end{minipage}\hfill % <--- don't forget
% right column
\node[main node, label=left:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$b$}] (2) [below = 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$c$}] (3) [right = 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$d$}] (4) [below = 1 cm of 3] {};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (4)
(3) edge node {} (4)
(1) edge node {} (3);
\caption{This is the figure on the right, with a long caption,
that should form at least three lines; we add text so that
it's long enough}
\tikzset{main node/.style={circle,fill=black,draw,minimum size=.2cm,inner sep=0pt},}
\node[main node, label=above:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$b$}] (2) [below right = 1cm and 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$c$}] (3) [below left = 1cm and 1cm of 1] {};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (3)
(1) edge node {} (3);
\caption{caption1} \label{fig:M1}
\node[main node, label=left:{$a$},] (1) {};
\node[main node, label=left:{$b$}] (2) [below = 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$c$}] (3) [right = 1cm of 1] {};
\node[main node, label=right:{$d$}] (4) [below = 1 cm of 3] {};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (4)
(3) edge node {} (4)
(1) edge node {} (3);
\caption{caption2} \label{fig:M2}
\caption{main caption}