Biblatex 引用文献 + 参考书目

Biblatex 引用文献 + 参考书目


  1. 书目目录
  2. 参考文献

我使用 \cite{} 命令引用了 ref.bib 中的文章,并且我希望这些引用(并且只有通过 \cite{} 命令调用的引用)打印在“引用的作品”或“参考文献”部分。

bib.bib 包含我在撰写文本时各个阶段参考过的作品,我希望将此文件的全部内容打印到“参考书目”部分。

我正在使用 biblatex




由于refsections 彼此之间是完全分开的,并且标记为refsections 仅获取.bib来自其标签的文件,因此\nocite{*}仅适用于来自 的条目bib.bib


\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}

  author       = {Sigfridsson, Emma and Ryde, Ulf},
  title        = {Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the
                  electrostatic potential and moments},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
  date         = 1998,
  volume       = 19,
  number       = 4,
  pages        = {377-395},
  doi          = {10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P},
  author       = {Herrmann, Wolfgang A. and {\"O}fele, Karl and Schneider,
                  Sabine K.  and Herdtweck, Eberhardt and Hoffmann, Stephan D.},
  title        = {A carbocyclic carbene as an efficient catalyst ligand for {C--C}
                  coupling reactions},
  journaltitle = {Angew.~Chem. Int.~Ed.},
  date         = 2006,
  volume       = 45,
  number       = 23,
  pages        = {3859-3862},
  author       = {Worman, Nancy},
  title        = {The Cast of Character},
  date         = 2002,
  publisher    = {University of Texas Press},
  location     = {Austin},
  author       = {Nussbaum, Martha},
  title        = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}},
  date         = 1978,
  publisher    = {Princeton University Press},
  location     = {Princeton},
  keywords     = {secondary},

Lorem \cite{sigfridsson}


