\arraystretch 在哪里?

\arraystretch 在哪里?

setspace.sty显示发生了doublespacing变化,但和baselinestretch之间的关系在哪里?我需要确切的数字来调整 的大小。baselinestretcharraystretcharraystretchbmatrix矩阵垂直对齐与双倍行距相结合显示baselinestretch= 1/arraystretch,但我在哪里可以找到这些信息?似乎没有setspace.styamsmath.sty没有这些信息。



arraytabular开始时,当前的的值\baselineskip乘以\arraystretch。因此,您希望\arraystretch将 设置为 的倒数\baselinestretch





Some text that should be long enough to be broken across lines
so as to show the interline spacing. But now we show a matrix
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1 \\
0 & 0
The result is really awful. Now we try in a different way.

Some text that should be long enough to be broken across lines
so as to show the interline spacing. But now we show a matrix
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1 \\
0 & 0
Now the matrix is nice. Of course, the double spaced
text remains as ugly as it can be.





% fix \setstretch to also act on \arraystretch
  \edef\arraystretch{\fpeval{1/#1}}% <---- added code



Some text that should be long enough to be broken across lines
so as to show the interline spacing. But now we show a matrix
1 & 0 \\
0 & 1 \\
0 & 0
Now the matrix is nice. Of course, the double spaced
text remains as ugly as it can be.


