如何在考试类别的表格中嵌入 \choices?

如何在考试类别的表格中嵌入 \choices?



When compared to the graph of $y=f(x)$, the graph of $8y=f(-x)$ has been reflected in the \wideunderline[1.5cm]{\textit{i}} and vertically stretched about the x-axis by a factor of \wideunderline[1.5cm]{\textit{ii}}}}\medskip
\question The statement above is completed by the information in row:\medskip

\choice A
\correctchoice B
\choice C
\choice D

\question I want choice B embedded in the table. 
%\begin{choices}%%%is this possible?
    \textbf{Row }& \textbf{\textit{i}}&\textbf{\textit{ii}}\\
    A &  $y$-axis&8\\ 
        B &  $y$-axis&$\frac{1}{8}$\\%I would like the choice to be embeded i.e. \choice B is in the first column of the table in row 3.
        C &  $x$-axis&8\\
        D &  $x$-axis&$\frac{1}{8}$\\
%\end{choices}%%%%doesn't work. 






      % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put
      % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page
      % number we want to record:
    }% choice
      % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put
      % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page
      % number we want to record:
    }% CorrectChoice
    % If we're continuing the paragraph containing the question,
    % then leave a bit of space before the first choice:


    \textbf{Row }& \textbf{\textit{i}}&\textbf{\textit{ii}}\\
    \choice &  $y$-axis&8\\ 
        \correctchoice &  $y$-axis&$\frac{1}{8}$\\
        \choice &  $x$-axis&8\\
        \choice &  $x$-axis&$\frac{1}{8}$\\
