Biblatex APA6 Natbib - \citealp 中无“&”符号

Biblatex APA6 Natbib - \citealp 中无“&”符号

当使用biblatexand时,使用( ) 和natbib引用多个作者时使用 & 符号apa6之间存在奇怪的差异。使用( ) 时,需要使用 & 符号 (&),而使用 & 时,需要使用“and”。有人知道如何使用& 符号吗?\citep\citet\citealp\citep\citet\citealp\citealp



        author = {Lee, Jeoung-Hak and Kim, Hyun-Duck and Ko, Yong Jae and Sagas, Michael},
        year = {2011},
        title = {The influence of service quality on satisfaction and intention: A gender segmentation strategy},
        pages = {54--63},
        pagination = {page},
        volume = {14},
        issn = {1441-3523},
        journaltitle = {Sport Management Review},
        number = {1},
        abstract = {}
        author = {Lee, Jeoung-Hak and Kim, Hyun-Duck and Ko, Yong Jae and Sagas, Michael},
        year = {2011},
        title = {The influence of service quality on satisfaction and intention: A gender segmentation strategy},
        pages = {54--63},
        pagination = {page},
        volume = {14},
        issn = {1441-3523},
        journaltitle = {Sport Management Review},
        number = {1},
        abstract = {}




\citealp是根据 定义的\cite。但是对于biblatex-apa6(和biblatex-apa),根据 来定义会更有意义\nptextcite,所以您可以这样做。




(Sigfridsson 和 Ryde,1998)//Sigfridsson 和 Ryde,1998
