我怎样才能(希望在文档中全局地)更改 TikZ 箭头的形状(包括tikzcd
环境中的箭头),以便与 TeX Gyre Terms Math 字体(使用 XeLaTeX)中的箭头匹配?
样式Straight Barb
几乎匹配,但倒钩的末端不同:在 TeX Gyre Termes Math 中,倒钩的末端是水平的,而在 TikZStraight Barb
>={Straight Barb[scale=0.8]},
commutative diagrams/arrow style=tikz
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes}[Scale=1.0]
\defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase, Ligatures=TeX}
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
\begin{equation} % eq 1
A \longrightarrow B \rightarrow C
\begin{equation} % eq 2
A \arrow[r,thick] {$f$} & B
这官方的解决方案是math font
选择 tikz-cd。
\tikzcdset{arrow style={math font}}
% credit to https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/420034/tikzcdsetarrow-style-math-font-breaks-the-rendering-of-arrows
\begin{equation} % eq 1
A \longrightarrow B \rightarrow C
\begin{equation} % eq 2
A \arrow[r] {$f$} & B
% based on the definition of arrow tip "Straight Barb"
name = TeX Gyre Termes Math,
defaults = {
%%% <<< begin of change
length = +3.5pt 2,
%%% <<< end of change
width' = +0pt 2,
line width = +0pt 1 1,
setup code = {
% Compute front miter length:
\pgf@x\pgfmathresult pt%
\advance\pgf@x by1pt%
\pgf@xc\pgfmathresult\pgfarrowlinewidth% xc is front miter
\[email protected]\pgf@xc
\pgf@xa\pgf@temp@quot\pgfarrowlinewidth% xa is extra harpoon miter
% Set ends
\pgfarrowssettipend{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}
\pgfarrowssettipend{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xc\ifpgfarrowharpoon\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xa\fi}
\pgfarrowssetvisualbackend{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}
% harpoon miter correction
\pgfarrowssetlineend{\pgfarrowlength\ifpgfarrowharpoon\advance\pgf@x by.5\pgfarrowlinewidth\fi}
\pgfarrowssetlineend{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by-.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}
% The hull:
\pgfarrowshullpoint{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}{\ifpgfarrowharpoon-.5\pgfarrowlinewidth\else0pt\fi}%
\pgfarrowshullpoint{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xc\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xa}{-.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}%
\pgfarrowshullpoint{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xc\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xa}{0pt}%
\pgfarrowsupperhullpoint{.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}{.5\pgfarrowwidth\advance\pgf@y by.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}%
\pgfarrowsupperhullpoint{-.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}{.5\pgfarrowwidth\advance\pgf@y by.5\pgfarrowlinewidth}%
% The following are needed in the code:
drawing code = {
\pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{\pgfarrowlength\advance\pgf@x by\ifpgfarrowreversed\else-\fi\pgfarrowlinewidth}{0pt}}
%%% <<< begin of change
% draw two white lines
% \pgfsetstrokecolor{red}\pgfsetstrokeopacity{0.5} % just for test
\pgf@ya=\pgfmathresultx pt
% let w = arrow width, l = arrow length, x = line width,
% and tan(.) = w/(2l)
% top line = (-sin(.) * x/2, w/2 + (1-cos(.)) * x/2) -- +(sin(.) * x/2, 0pt),
% where -x/2 < -sin(.) * x/2 < 0
%%% <<< end of change
parameters = {
\ifpgfarrowharpoon h\fi%
\ifpgfarrowroundjoin j\fi%
\ifpgfarrowroundcap c\fi%
>={TeX Gyre Termes Math[scale=.8]}
arrow style=tikz,
every arrow/.append style={line width=1.2pt}
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes}[Scale=1.0]
\defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase, Ligatures=TeX}
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
\begin{equation} % eq 1
A \longrightarrow B \rightarrow C
\begin{equation} % eq 2
A \arrow[r, "f"] & B