apa7 文档类中的 apa 引用标注样式

apa7 文档类中的 apa 引用标注样式

apa7我在 overleaf 中使用文档类。但是,不知何故,\parencite即使第一次引用条目,也总是隐藏除第一个作者之外的所有作者。

例如,\parencite{拉森2006}返回(Lassen 等人,2006 年)。但是,我希望(Lassen、Steele 和 Sailor,2006 年)第一次被引用,然后(Lassen 等人,2006 年)以供后续引用。

以下是 bib 文件和我的标题:

  author = {Lassen, Stephen R. and Steele, Michael M. and Sailor, Wayne},
  title = {The relationship of school-wide positive behavior support to academic achievement in
    an urban middle school},
  journal = {Psychology in the Schools},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {43},
  pages = {701--712},
  number = {6}
\usepackage{lipsum, authblk}




您描述的所需引用调用行为是 APA 手册第 6 版的行为。(当前版本是第 7 版。)要使用 和 获得所需行为biblatexbiber请运行







  author  = {Lassen, Stephen R. and Steele, Michael M. and Sailor, Wayne},
  title   = {The relationship of school-wide positive behavior support 
             to academic achievement in an urban middle school},
  journal = {Psychology in the Schools},
  year    = {2006},
  volume  = {43},
  pages   = {701--712},
  number  = {6}

%% With biblatex (and biber):

%% With apacite (and BibTeX):

\usepackage{lipsum, authblk}
\shorttitle{xyz} % just to suppress a pesky warning message
\hypersetup{colorlinks,allcolors=blue} % optional


%% With biblatex (and biber):
\parencite{Lassen2006}, \parencite{Lassen2006}

%% With apacite (and BibTeX):
%\citep{Lassen2006}, \citep{Lassen2006}

