如何让 notes2bib 与 biblatex 协同工作?

如何让 notes2bib 与 biblatex 协同工作?

我一直在使用一款名为 的出色软件包,notes2bib它与 配合得非常好natbib。但是,当我尝试使用biber/biblatex时,它就无法正常工作了。从技术上讲,它运行良好,但是它忽略了我将所有引文放入上标的设置。

以下是与 完美配合的 MWE natbib


    author ="Brown, Matthew L. and Van Wieren, Ken and Tailor, Hamel N. and Hartling, David and Jean, Anthony and Merbouh, Nabyl",
    title  ="Three-dimensional printing of ellipsoidal structures using Mercury",
    journal  ="CrystEngComm",
    year  ="2018",
    doi  ="10.1039/C7CE01901G",




This is example text\cite{Brown}.
Now this is text that needs a bibnote\bibnote[calipers]{Structure measured with calipers and rounded to the nearest}.
Now I need to refer to that bibnote again.\citenote{calipers}



这里将引用保留为 [1],而不是将其设为上标:


    author ="Brown, Matthew L. and Van Wieren, Ken and Tailor, Hamel N. and Hartling, David and Jean, Anthony and Merbouh, Nabyl",
    title  ="Three-dimensional printing of ellipsoidal structures using Mercury",
    journal  ="CrystEngComm",
    year  ="2018",
    doi  ="10.1039/C7CE01901G",




This is example text\autocite{Brown}.
Now this is text that needs a bibnote\bibnote[calipers]{Structure measured with calipers and rounded to the nearest}.
Now I need to refer to that bibnote again.\citenote{calipers}





cite-function文档 (第 4 页)中有一个选项notes2bib,用于设置内部使用的引用命令notes2bib。它默认为使用\cite,但为了您的目的,您可以将其设置为使用\autocite,这将为您提供所需的输出。


% Make sure the biblatex package is loaded before the notes2bib package
%  or the commands won't be defined

或者您可以使用 notes2bib 包设置命令随后指定它:


是的,据我所知,该natbib示例有效,因为您对包的选项重新定义了 cite 命令,否则该命令将使用基本数字[1]格式。chem-rsc样式将样式设置\autocite为上标,但不触及基本\cite命令。
