修复 groupplot 中 ytick 对齐的问题

修复 groupplot 中 ytick 对齐的问题

我在尝试使用通用的 y 轴刻度和刻度时遇到了一些问题。我尝试了一些解决方案,例如every plot/.style确保组图上轴的范围相同,但刻度的位置似乎因每个图而异,从而导致对数据的一些误解。此外,x 轴和 y 轴上的刻度标记会干扰图中的曲线。您能帮我解决这个刻度问题吗?这是代码。

  \begin{tikzpicture}[every mark/.append style={mark size=.7pt}]
    \begin{groupplot}[scale=0.36, group style={
       group name=relcost, group size = 3 by 1, horizontal sep=1cm, %group size=3 by 4
       xlabels at=edge bottom, ylabels at=edge left, yticklabels at=edge left, every plot/.style={
       ymode = log,
       %log ticks with fixed point,
       %scaled y ticks=real:1e3,
       %ytick={1, 1e+3},
       xlabel={Capacity factor},
       %ytick={0, 10, 100},
       y post scale=0.36,
       ylabel={System costs},legend columns=-1,
       legend style={font=\small},
       % x tick scale label style={
    %at={(0.95,0)},yshift=-1.5em,anchor=north,inner sep=0pt
 % },
  %y tick scale label style={
   % at={(-0.05,0.99)},anchor=east,inner sep=0pt,
 % },
  %scale ticks above exponent={2},
  %scaled y ticks=false
    \nextgroupplot[title=\textsc{C-RAN}, legend to name=unnamed]

        % Low-load scenarios
    \addplot+ [black, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=grenadier!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 750007.1040631207)
            (3.0, 120007.1040631207)
            (6.0, 20007.104063120714)
            (9.0, 7.104063120713099)
            (12.0, 7.104063120713099)
            (15.0, 7.104063120713099)
    \addplot+ [cyan, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=saffron!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 750173.6040631207)
            (3.0, 120173.6040631207)
            (6.0, 20173.604063120714)
            (9.0, 173.6040631207131)
            (12.0, 173.6040631207131)
            (15.0, 173.6040631207131)
    % High load
    \addplot+ [magenta, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=grenadier!30}] coordinates {  
            (0.0, 750340.1040631207)
            (3.0, 120340.1040631207)
            (6.0, 20340.104063120714)
            (9.0, 340.10406312071314)
            (12.0, 340.10406312071314)
            (15.0, 340.10406312071314)
%   \addplot+ [thin, saffron, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=saffron!30}] coordinates {  
%            (0, 3.8633)
%            (10, 3.6740000000000004)
%            (20, 3.6188)
%            (30, 3.5742999999999996)
%            (40, 3.5340999999999996)
%            (50, 3.4966)
%       };
    \nextgroupplot[title=\textsc{D-RAN}, legend to name=unnamed]
                % Low-load scenarios
    \addplot+ [black, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=grenadier!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 723699.4500521545)
            (3.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (6.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (9.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (12.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (15.0, 3699.4500521545033)
    \addplot+ [cyan, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=saffron!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 723745.9702908196)
            (3.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (6.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (9.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (12.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (15.0, 3745.3708261968736)
    % High load
    \addplot+ [magenta, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=grenadier!30}] coordinates {  
            (0.0, 723792.4905294848)
            (3.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (6.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (9.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (12.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (15.0, 3791.291600239243)
%   \addplot+ [thin, saffron, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=saffron!30}] coordinates {  
%             (0, 1.5581)
%            (10, 1.4588999999999999)
%            (20, 1.4384)
%            (30, 1.4215)
%            (40, 1.4069)
%            (50, 1.3936)
%       };
        \nextgroupplot[title=\textsc{f-RAN}, legend to name=unnamed]
    % High load
    \addplot+ [black, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=grenadier!30}] coordinates {    
            (0.0, 720009.7601891027)
            (3.0, 27.482156029028516)
            (6.0, 8.98111126865991)
            (9.0, 7.092207390984598)
            (12.0, 7.092207390984598)
            (15.0, 7.092207390984598)
        };  \addlegendentry{Cost factor (0)}
    \addplot+ [cyan, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=saffron!30}] coordinates {   
            (0.0, 720135.5307859082)
            (3.0, 143.61324740819705)
            (6.0, 135.5307859083099)
            (9.0, 135.5307859083099)
            (12.0, 135.5307859083099)
            (15.0, 135.5307859083099)
        }; \addlegendentry{Cost factor (0.6)}
        % Low-load
    \addplot+ [magenta, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=grenadier!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 720227.3887317348)
            (3.0, 232.75047401100414)
            (6.0, 227.38873173479826)
            (9.0, 227.38873173479826)
            (12.0, 227.38873173479826)
            (15.0, 227.38873173479826)
    }; \addlegendentry{Cost factor (1.2)}
%   \addplot+ [thin, dashed, saffron, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=saffron!30}] coordinates {
%            (0, 0.5511)
%            (10, 0.41609999999999997)
%            (20, 0.3845)
%            (30, 0.3554)
%            (40, 0.333)
%            (50, 0.3139)
%   };  
    \node at (relcost c2r1.south) [inner sep=0pt, anchor=north, yshift=-7ex] {\ref{unnamed}};


轴限值不是绘图选项,因此不属于every plot。我认为every plot和 轴限值 都不应位于 内group style

但是您已经在正确的位置有了xmin和,所以只需在它们后面添加和即可。当然,这对对数轴不起作用,但看起来不错。您可以使用它来获取 1e0、1e2、1e4 和 1e6 处的刻度。xmaxyminymaxymin=0ymin=1ytickten={0,2,4,6}




 \begin{tikzpicture}[every mark/.append style={mark size=.7pt}]
       group style={
          group name=relcost,
          group size = 3 by 1,
          horizontal sep=1cm, %group size=3 by 4
          xlabels at=edge bottom,
          ylabels at=edge left,
          yticklabels at=edge left
       ymode = log,       
       xlabel={Capacity factor},
       y post scale=0.36,
       ylabel={System costs},legend columns=-1,
       legend style={font=\small},
    \nextgroupplot[title=\textsc{C-RAN}, legend to name=unnamed]

        % Low-load scenarios
    \addplot+ [black, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=blue!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 750007.1040631207)
            (3.0, 120007.1040631207)
            (6.0, 20007.104063120714)
            (9.0, 7.104063120713099)
            (12.0, 7.104063120713099)
            (15.0, 7.104063120713099)
    \addplot+ [cyan, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=red!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 750173.6040631207)
            (3.0, 120173.6040631207)
            (6.0, 20173.604063120714)
            (9.0, 173.6040631207131)
            (12.0, 173.6040631207131)
            (15.0, 173.6040631207131)
    % High load
    \addplot+ [magenta, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=blue!30}] coordinates {  
            (0.0, 750340.1040631207)
            (3.0, 120340.1040631207)
            (6.0, 20340.104063120714)
            (9.0, 340.10406312071314)
            (12.0, 340.10406312071314)
            (15.0, 340.10406312071314)
%   \addplot+ [thin, red, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=red!30}] coordinates {  
%            (0, 3.8633)
%            (10, 3.6740000000000004)
%            (20, 3.6188)
%            (30, 3.5742999999999996)
%            (40, 3.5340999999999996)
%            (50, 3.4966)
%       };
    \nextgroupplot[title=\textsc{D-RAN}, legend to name=unnamed]
                % Low-load scenarios
    \addplot+ [black, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=blue!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 723699.4500521545)
            (3.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (6.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (9.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (12.0, 3699.4500521545033)
            (15.0, 3699.4500521545033)
    \addplot+ [cyan, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=red!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 723745.9702908196)
            (3.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (6.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (9.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (12.0, 3745.3708261968736)
            (15.0, 3745.3708261968736)
    % High load
    \addplot+ [magenta, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=blue!30}] coordinates {  
            (0.0, 723792.4905294848)
            (3.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (6.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (9.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (12.0, 3791.291600239243)
            (15.0, 3791.291600239243)
%   \addplot+ [thin, red, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=red!30}] coordinates {  
%             (0, 1.5581)
%            (10, 1.4588999999999999)
%            (20, 1.4384)
%            (30, 1.4215)
%            (40, 1.4069)
%            (50, 1.3936)
%       };
        \nextgroupplot[title=\textsc{f-RAN}, legend to name=unnamed]
    % High load
    \addplot+ [black, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=blue!30}] coordinates {    
            (0.0, 720009.7601891027)
            (3.0, 27.482156029028516)
            (6.0, 8.98111126865991)
            (9.0, 7.092207390984598)
            (12.0, 7.092207390984598)
            (15.0, 7.092207390984598)
        };  \addlegendentry{Cost factor (0)}
    \addplot+ [cyan, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=red!30}] coordinates {   
            (0.0, 720135.5307859082)
            (3.0, 143.61324740819705)
            (6.0, 135.5307859083099)
            (9.0, 135.5307859083099)
            (12.0, 135.5307859083099)
            (15.0, 135.5307859083099)
        }; \addlegendentry{Cost factor (0.6)}
        % Low-load
    \addplot+ [magenta, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=blue!30}] coordinates {
            (0.0, 720227.3887317348)
            (3.0, 232.75047401100414)
            (6.0, 227.38873173479826)
            (9.0, 227.38873173479826)
            (12.0, 227.38873173479826)
            (15.0, 227.38873173479826)
    }; \addlegendentry{Cost factor (1.2)}
%   \addplot+ [thin, dashed, red, mark=square, mark options={scale=.3, fill=red!30}] coordinates {
%            (0, 0.5511)
%            (10, 0.41609999999999997)
%            (20, 0.3845)
%            (30, 0.3554)
%            (40, 0.333)
%            (50, 0.3139)
%   };  
    \node at (relcost c2r1.south) [inner sep=0pt, anchor=north, yshift=-7ex] {\ref{unnamed}};
