*** 理性與情感的對立
**** Yang, X. (2006). A Moral Psychology without the Concept of Reason? History of Philosophy Quarterly, 23(4), 295–318.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at vestibulum libero. Morbi mattis elit nunc, eu molestie neque dignissim ac. Praesent commodo neque volutpat ligula gravida, a placerat nunc fermentum. Curabitur pellentesque mollis nisi id aliquet. Integer pellentesque nulla a maximus dapibus. In non nisi turpis. Mauris condimentum hendrerit velit, vel ultrices purus commodo vel.
TeX 片段:
\item Yang, X. (2006). A Moral Psychology without the Concept of Reason? History of Philosophy Quarterly, 23(4), 295–318.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at vestibulum libero. Morbi mattis elit nunc, eu molestie neque dignissim ac. Praesent commodo neque volutpat ligula gravida, a placerat nunc fermentum. Curabitur pellentesque mollis nisi id aliquet. Integer pellentesque nulla a maximus dapibus. In non nisi turpis. Mauris condimentum hendrerit velit, vel ultrices purus commodo vel.\\
TeX 片段:
\item Yang, X. (2006). A Moral Psychology without the Concept of Reason? History of Philosophy Quarterly, 23(4), 295–318.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at vestibulum libero. Morbi mattis elit nunc, eu molestie neque dignissim ac. Praesent commodo neque volutpat ligula gravida, a placerat nunc fermentum. Curabitur pellentesque mollis nisi id aliquet. Integer pellentesque nulla a maximus dapibus. In non nisi turpis. Mauris condimentum hendrerit velit, vel ultrices purus commodo vel.\\
% Created 2020-10-08 Thu 17:06
% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
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\title{Annotated Bibliography}
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\item Yang, X. (2006). A Moral Psychology without the Concept of Reason? History of Philosophy Quarterly, 23(4), 295–318.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at vestibulum libero. Morbi mattis elit nunc, eu molestie neque dignissim ac. Praesent commodo neque volutpat ligula gravida, a placerat nunc fermentum. Curabitur pellentesque mollis nisi id aliquet. Integer pellentesque nulla a maximus dapibus. In non nisi turpis. Mauris condimentum hendrerit velit, vel ultrices purus commodo vel.\\