latex/overleaf 表号从 2 开始

latex/overleaf 表号从 2 开始

我正为编号问题而苦恼。我的论文中的第一个表格从 1 开始编号,我不知道为什么。我试过 longtable 包,但不知怎么的没用。我使用 overleaf 平台。


\caption{Summary of the data collection}
\label{table:data collection}

    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Periodic} & Aperiodic \\ \cline{2-4}
  & without silence      & with silence     & with silence           \\ 
1 & \checked & \checked & \checked \\ 
2 & \checked & \checked & -  \\ 
3 & \checked & \checked & -  \\ 
4 & \checked & \checked & -  \\ 
Periodic condition: target stimuli is presented in the fifth position.\\
Aperiodic condition: target stimuli is presented in a random position.\\
without silence: there is not 100 ms silence after each stimuli. \\
with silence: there is a 100 ms silence after each stimuli.}
