假设我有 LaTeX 格式的足球规则手册。它有很多关于犯规和处罚的参考。我假设我可以浏览并标记出这些处罚在正文中的位置。
我想添加一个附录,列出按处罚分类的各种内容。因此,您可以转到此附录并找到“按类型列出的犯规列表”,其中包含(对于美国人来说)“5 码罚球犯规”;“10 码犯规”;“15 码犯规”;“罚球犯规”;等等...或(对于世界上大多数其他国家来说)“间接任意球犯规”;“直接任意球犯规”;“黄牌犯规”;“红牌犯规”。
在正文中列出这些内容有一个标准方法,所以我已经有了一个类似于和的宏,\tenyardfoul{ describe it here }
我\redcardfoul{ describe it here }
最终,我还是设法解决了一些问题。感觉有点像我在滥用 caption 包来做到这一点,所以如果有人知道更简洁/更惯用的方式来做到这一点,我洗耳恭听(或者 - 鉴于自然文本 - 如果你想吹毛求疵的话,我会全神贯注地听)。
- 以其他项目可能不希望出现的方式全局影响所有字幕。(我刚好侥幸逃脱了。)
- 如果您有很多这样的列表(我有 13 个),您可能会遇到“没有空间进行新的 \write”错误。我用 修复了这个问题,
但我似乎记得在 caption 包中看到过一种修复方法,但我无论如何也找不到它了。
我将继续使用我的足球类比,并展示如何将其应用于黄牌和 15 码罚球。
我使用这些包。我不能 100% 确定我需要 float 包来实现这一点,但我在其他地方依赖它,所以我不能轻易地将其移除进行测试。
% etc...
\expandafter\let\csname l@#1\endcsname \l@figure
%\float@listhead{#2}% <-------------------------- % comment this line out
\setlength\parskip{0pt plus 1pt}%
\newcommand{\genericpenalty}[3] {\begin{#1}[H]
\caption[\textbf{\thesubsubsection} --- #3]{\textbf{Penalty: #2} --- #3}
\newcommand{\yellowcard}[1]{\genericpenalty{yellowcardf}{yellow card}{#1}}
\newcommand{\fifteenyardpenalty}[1]{\genericpenalty{redcardf}{red card}{#1}}
现在,我可以在我的文档中写\yellowcard{unsportsmanlike conduct}
和\yellowcard{reckless tackle}
或\fifteenyyardpenalty{chop blocking}
和\fifteenyardpenalty{grabbing the facemask}
,它会为我创建一个漂亮的小插入文本(我也可以很好地格式化它 - 但我在这里删除了所有内容,因为它大部分都是噪音)。它还会将其添加到我创建的列表中,如下所示:
\section{List of offences by penalty}
\subsection{Football (soccer) penalties}
\addlistofpenalties{yellowcardf}{Yellow card penalties}{The referee should caution a player for these offences:}
\subsection{Football (American) penalties)
\addlistofpenalties{fifteenyardpenaltyf}{15-yard penalties}{These penalties move the fouled team 15-yards towards their opponent's end-zone:}
我确信这里还有一些改进的空间,但如果你正在寻找这个问题的解决方案,请随意使用和调整它(使用 Windows 上的 pdflatex 构建,FWIW,虽然我相信它应该是可移植的)并且如果你有改进请告诉我,我很乐意更新它以反映最佳答案。
如果您为每种类型的惩罚分配一个数字,您可以让 LaTeX 将所有惩罚的条目写入同一个辅助文件中,并让 -commands\listof...
% \CsNameToCsToken<stuff not in curly braces>{CsToken}
% yields:
% <stuff not in curly braces>\CsToken
% E.g. ,
% \CsNameToCsToken\newcommand*{foobar}...
% yields:
% \newcommand*\foobar...
\newcommand\InnerCsNameToScToken[2]{\expandafter\exchange\expandafter{\csname#2\endcsname}{ #1}}%
% #1 - name of the penalty type
% #2 - textual phrase denoting the kind of penalty
% #3 - formatting of the counter for counting penalites of the type
% #4 - numbered within-counter
% #5 - Command for writing the penalty within the main-text
% #6 - \listof-command
% #7 - sectioning-command for starting the list of penalites
% Mapping "name of the penalty type" to automatically created number of penalty type:
% Counter for penalties of type #1:
% Apply command(s) #3 for formatting the counter:
% Define the command for writing the penalty within the main-text:
\romannumeral0\@firstoftwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}{} %
\romannumeral\CsNameToCsToken0 \expandafter{\expandafter\@gobble\string#5@opt}%
\romannumeral\CsNameToCsToken0 {\expandafter\@gobble\string#5@noopt}}%
% #1 - name of the penalty type
% #2 - textual phrase denoting the kind of penalty
% ##1 - short description of penalty
% ##2 - long description of penalty
\textbf{\CsNameToCsToken{the#1cnt}: #2} --- ##2%
\romannumeral\CsNameToCsToken0 {\expandafter\@gobble\string#5@opt}[{##1}]{##1}%
% Define the \listof...-command:
\subsection*{List of all penalties}%
% #1 name of penalty
% #2 number of penalty
% #3 page number where the penalty is described in the text
% #4 hyperref-anchor if hyperref is loaded
% #5 textual phrase denoting the kind of penalty
% #6 (short) description of the penalty
\ifnum\penaltytypecount=\@ifundefined{penaltynum@#1}{0}{\CsNameToCsToken{penaltynum@#1}} %
\item[\@ifundefined{hyperlink}{\@firstofone}{\hyperlink{#4}}{\textbf{#2 (on page~#3):}}] #6%
% #1 name of penalty
% #2 number of penalty
% #3 page number where the penalty is described in the text
% #4 hyperref-anchor if hyperref is loaded
% #5 textual phrase denoting the kind of penalty
% #6 (short) description of the penalty
\item[\@ifundefined{hyperlink}{\@firstofone}{\hyperlink{#4}}{\textbf{#2 (#5, on page #3):}}] #6%
{Yellow Card}%
{Y\protect~\thesection.\arabic}% If you wish all penalties to use the same counter, then try: {\theallpenalties\csname @gobble\endcsname}%
{\subsection*{List of Yellow Card penalties}}
{Red Card}%
{R\protect~\thesection.\arabic}% If you wish all penalties to use the same counter, then try: {\theallpenalties\csname @gobble\endcsname}%
{\subsection*{List of Red Card penalties}}
{Green Card}%
{G\protect~\thesection.\arabic}% If you wish all penalties to use the same counter, then try: {\theallpenalties\csname @gobble\endcsname}%
{\subsection*{List of Green Card penalties}}
\section*{Lists of penalties:}
\section{First Section}
\noindent\YellowCard[This is the first section's first Yellow Card's short description.]{This is the first section's first Yellow Card's long description.}
\noindent\RedCard[This is the first section's first Red Card's short description.]{This is the first section's first Red Card's long description.}
\noindent\GreenCard[This is the first section's first Green Card's short description.]{This is the first section's first Green Card's long description.}
\noindent\GreenCard{This is the first section's second Green Card's description.}
\noindent\YellowCard{This is the first section's second Yellow Card's description.}
\noindent\RedCard{This is the first section's second Red Card's description.}
\section{Second Section}
\noindent\YellowCard[This is the second section's first Yellow Card's short description.]{This is the second section's first Yellow Card's long description.}
\noindent\RedCard[This is the second section's first Red Card's short description.]{This is the second section's first Red Card's long description.}
\noindent\GreenCard[This is the second section's first Green Card's short description.]{This is the second section's first Green Card's long description.}
\noindent\GreenCard{This is the second section's second Green Card's description.}
\noindent\YellowCard{This is the second section's second Yellow Card's description.}
\noindent\RedCard{This is the second section's second Red Card's description.}