我找不到任何地方可以获取考试环境,在那里我可以进行带有圆形复选框的多项选择考试,其中选项以字母 A、B、C、D 和 E 表示,这些选项位于复选框内。请帮忙...
使用一些 Tikz 技巧就可以做到。如果您使用的是oneparcheckboxes
% Make checkbox character a circle with the letter
\checkboxchar{\tikz[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding box.center)}]\node[shape=circle,minimum size=8mm,draw] at (0,0) {\thechoice};}
% Make checked box character bold WITH surd
%\checkedchar{\tikz[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding box.center)}]\node[shape=circle,minimum size=8mm,draw] at (0,0) {} node at (0,0) {\thechoice\llap{$\surd$}};}
% Make checked box character bold
\checkedchar{\tikz[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding box.center)}]\node[shape=circle,minimum size=8mm,draw] at (0,0) {} node at (0,0) {\thechoice};}
\settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}%
\color@endgroup \endgroup
} % choice
\color@endgroup \endgroup
% We can't say \choice here, because that would
% insert an \endgroup.
% 2016/05/10: We say \color@begingroup in addition to
% \begingroup in case \CorrectChoiceEmphasis involves color
% and the text exactly fills the line (which would
% otherwise create a blank line after this choice):
% 2016/05/11: We leave hmode if we're in it,
% i.e., if there's no blank line preceding this
% \CorrectChoice command. (Without this, the
% \special created by a \color{whatever} command that might
% be inserted by \CorrectChoice@Emphasis would be appended
% to the previous \choice, which could cause an extra
% (blank) line to be inserted before this \CorrectChoice.)
% Since \par and \endgraf seem to cancel \@totalleftmargin
% (for reasons I don't understand), we'll do the following:
% Motivated by the def of \leavevmode,
% \def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x}
% we will now leave hmode (if we're in hmode):
\ifhmode \unskip\unskip\unvbox\voidb@x \fi
\begingroup \color@begingroup \@correctchoicetrue
} % CorrectChoice
{\if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \endlist}
现在来看看 MWE:
\settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}%
\color@endgroup \endgroup
} % choice
\color@endgroup \endgroup
% We can't say \choice here, because that would
% insert an \endgroup.
% 2016/05/10: We say \color@begingroup in addition to
% \begingroup in case \CorrectChoiceEmphasis involves color
% and the text exactly fills the line (which would
% otherwise create a blank line after this choice):
% 2016/05/11: We leave hmode if we're in it,
% i.e., if there's no blank line preceding this
% \CorrectChoice command. (Without this, the
% \special created by a \color{whatever} command that might
% be inserted by \CorrectChoice@Emphasis would be appended
% to the previous \choice, which could cause an extra
% (blank) line to be inserted before this \CorrectChoice.)
% Since \par and \endgraf seem to cancel \@totalleftmargin
% (for reasons I don't understand), we'll do the following:
% Motivated by the def of \leavevmode,
% \def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x}
% we will now leave hmode (if we're in hmode):
\ifhmode \unskip\unskip\unvbox\voidb@x \fi
\begingroup \color@begingroup \@correctchoicetrue
} % CorrectChoice
{\if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \endlist}
% Make checkbox character a circle with the letter
\checkboxchar{\tikz[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding box.center)}]\node[shape=circle,minimum size=8mm,draw] at (0,0) {\thechoice};}
% Make checked box character bold WITH surd
%\checkedchar{\tikz[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding box.center)}]\node[shape=circle,minimum size=8mm,draw] at (0,0) {} node at (0,0) {\thechoice\llap{$\surd$}};}
% Make checked box character bold
\checkedchar{\tikz[baseline={([yshift=-.8ex]current bounding box.center)}]\node[shape=circle,minimum size=8mm,draw] at (0,0) {} node at (0,0) {\thechoice};}
Blah blah
\begin{checkboxes}\choice one
\choice two
\CorrectChoice three
Blah blah
\choice one
\choice two
\CorrectChoice three