你好。我对 LaTeX 还不熟悉,但正在掌握它。但是,目前需要一些帮助。因此,在使用 AASTeX63 进行研究时,我遇到了一些“新手”问题。我想对齐文本('评论' 我的意思是)在左边的表格里。
需要注意的是,我使用的这个表 (deluxetable*) 在编译时会“隐藏” \latex\ 中的第三列。第三列由星云列表 c: 组成,我尝试删除第三列,结果一团糟 ^^。
\tablecaption{Fundamental Parameters of $\alpha$ Ori. These are composed of observational best values, estimated ranges, and model-derived constraints.
\colhead{Property} & \colhead{Value} & \nocolhead{Common} & \colhead{References} & \colhead{Comment}
T\textit{\textsubscript{eff}} & 3600 $\pm$ 25 K & Crab Nebula & [1] & Extended to $\pm$ 200 K \\
Distance & 197 $\pm$ 45 pc & Messier 2 & [2] & Parallax adopted by Dolan et al. (2016) \\
$\Theta$disk & 42.28 $\pm$ 0.43 mas & Messier 2 & [3] & Limb-darkened \\
R\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} Upper Limit & ${\sim}$1000 R\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} & Messier 3 & [4] & Data collated from various sources \\
R\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} Lower Limit & 600 R\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} & Messier 4 & [4] & Data collated from various sources \\
M\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} Upper Limit & 19 M\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} & Messier 5 & [5] & median range; seismic analysis \\
M\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} Lower Limit & 16.5 M\textsubscript{\(\odot\)} & Butterfly Cluster & [5] & median range; seismic analysis \\
Periodicity & 388 $\pm$ 30 days & Ptolemy Cluster & [6] & Dominant; Global pulsation; Fundamental mode \\
Periodicity & 2050 $\pm$ 460 days & Lagoon Nebula & [6] & Auxiliary; Long Secondary Period - LSP \\
Age & ${\sim}$8.5 Myr & Messier 9 & [4] & Closely linked to Ori OB1a ${\sim}$10 Myr \\
log g & -0.5 & Messier 10 & [7] \\
Fe/H & 0.02 $\pm$ 0.004 & Messier 10 & [4],[8] & Proxy for Z (Metallicity); Utilized for evolutionary modelling \\
\[ m_v^{max} \] & ${\sim}$0.2 - 0.4 $\pm$ 0.02 & Messier 10 & [6],[9],[10] & Maximum $\texit{V}$-band magnitude \\
\[ m_v^{min} \] & ${\sim}$0.9 - 1.6 & Messier 10 & [6],[11] & Minimum $\texit{V}$-band magnitude; recent GDE included \\
m\textsubscript{k} & -4.00 $\pm$ 0.05 & Messier 10 & [6],[12] & $\texit{K}$-band at 2.2 microns \\
log(\textit{L}/\textit{L}\textsubscript{\(\odot\)}) & 5.10 $\pm$ 0.22 & Messier 10 & [2] & 1$\sigma$ range; Adopted by Dolan et al. (2016) \\
v sin $\texit{i}$ & 5.47 $\pm$ 0.25 km s\textsuperscript{-1} & Messier 10 & [13] & SiO emission lines; solid body rotation model \\
P\textsubscript{rot} & 31 $\pm$ 8 yrs & Messier 10 & [13] & Submillimeter range; if the inclination $\texit{i}$ = $60\degree$ \\
Inclination $\texit{i}$ & $\geqslant$ $60\degree$ & Messier 10 & [13] & Submillimeter range; If the NE hot spot is at the pole \\
V\textsubscript{rad} & 21.91 $\pm$ 0.51 km s\textsuperscript{-1} & Messier 10 & [14] \\
1. Levesque $\&$ Massey (2020),
2. Harper et al. (2008),
3. Montarges et al. (2014),
4. Dolan et al. (2016),
5. Joyce et al. (2020),
6. Kiss et al. (2006),
7. Lobel $\&$ Dupree (2000),
8. Anders $\&$ Grevesse (1989),
9. Johnson et al. (1966),
10. Guinan et al. (2020a),
11. Guinan et al. (2020b),
12. Chatys et al. (2019),
13. Kervella et al. (2018),
14. Famaey et al. (2008);
GDE stands for Great Dimming Event of $\alpha$ Ori last November 2019-March 2020.}
我为AAS 期刊。列指定过多,因此编译器不知道如何处理额外的对齐指令。由于只有 5 列(包括隐藏列),因此应该只有 5 个列说明符:
\tablecaption{Fundamental Parameters of $\alpha$ Ori. These are composed of observational best values, estimated ranges, and model-derived constraints.
\colhead{Property} & \colhead{Value} & \nocolhead{Common} & \colhead{References} & \colhead{Comment}
T\textit{\textsubscript{eff}} & 3600 $\pm$ 25 K & Crab Nebula & [1] & Extended to $\pm$ 200 K \\
Distance & 197 $\pm$ 45 pc & Messier 2 & [2] & Parallax adopted by Dolan et al. (2016) \\
1. Levesque $\&$ Massey (2020),
2. Harper et al. (2008),
3. Montarges et al. (2014),
4. Dolan et al. (2016),
5. Joyce et al. (2020),
6. Kiss et al. (2006),
7. Lobel $\&$ Dupree (2000),
8. Anders $\&$ Grevesse (1989),
9. Johnson et al. (1966),
10. Guinan et al. (2020a),
11. Guinan et al. (2020b),
12. Chatys et al. (2019),
13. Kervella et al. (2018),
14. Famaey et al. (2008);
GDE stands for Great Dimming Event of $\alpha$ Ori last November 2019-March 2020.}