当我尝试在 IEEE 提供的模板中将一个图形跨越两列时(我使用了这网站“交易、期刊和信件”=>“IEEE 电子设备交易”=>“原创研究”=>“Latex”)
要复制,请在论文中的某处添加以下代码。这实际上取决于图形粘贴的位置,例如在“LaTeX 特定建议”或“单位”部分中,会出现此错误。
这是使用 IEEE 模板时出现问题的论文示例(我添加了图形*并删除了论文的末尾,如果不删除论文的末尾,问题仍然存在):
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
\markboth{\journalname, VOL. XX, NO. XX, XXXX 2017}
{Author \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}}: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS (February 2017)}
\title{Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS (February 2017)}
\author{First A. Author, \IEEEmembership{Fellow, IEEE}, Second B. Author, and Third C. Author, Jr., \IEEEmembership{Member, IEEE}
\thanks{This paragraph of the first footnote will contain the date on
which you submitted your paper for review. It will also contain support
information, including sponsor and financial support acknowledgment. For
example, ``This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of
Commerce under Grant BS123456.'' }
\thanks{The next few paragraphs should contain
the authors' current affiliations, including current address and e-mail. For
example, F. A. Author is with the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). }
\thanks{S. B. Author, Jr., was with Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 USA. He is
now with the Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
CO 80523 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).}
\thanks{T. C. Author is with
the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
80309 USA, on leave from the National Research Institute for Metals,
Tsukuba, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).}}
These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for
IEEE Transactions and Journals. Use this document as a template if you are
using \LaTeX. Otherwise, use this document as an
instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further
at IEEE. Paper titles should be written in uppercase and lowercase letters,
not all uppercase. Avoid writing long formulas with subscripts in the title;
short formulas that identify the elements are fine (e.g., "Nd--Fe--B"). Do
not write ``(Invited)'' in the title. Full names of authors are preferred in
the author field, but are not required. Put a space between authors'
initials. The abstract must be a concise yet comprehensive reflection of
what is in your article. In particular, the abstract must be self-contained,
without abbreviations, footnotes, or references. It should be a microcosm of
the full article. The abstract must be between 150--250 words. Be sure that
you adhere to these limits; otherwise, you will need to edit your abstract
accordingly. The abstract must be written as one paragraph, and should not
contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. The abstract
should include three or four different keywords or phrases, as this will
help readers to find it. It is important to avoid over-repetition of such
phrases as this can result in a page being rejected by search engines.
Ensure that your abstract reads well and is grammatically correct.
Enter key words or phrases in alphabetical
order, separated by commas. For a list of suggested keywords, send a blank
e-mail to [email protected] or visit \underline
\IEEEPARstart{T}{his} document is a template for \LaTeX. If you are
reading a paper or PDF version of this document, please download the
electronic file, trans\_jour.tex, from the IEEE Web site at \underline
{http://www.ieee.org/authortools/trans\_jour.tex} so you can use it to prepare your manuscript. If
you would prefer to use LaTeX, download IEEE's LaTeX style and sample files
from the same Web page. You can also explore using the Overleaf editor at
If your paper is intended for a conference, please contact your conference
editor concerning acceptable word processor formats for your particular
IEEE will do the final formatting of your paper. If your paper is intended
for a conference, please observe the conference page limits.
\subsection{Abbreviations and Acronyms}
Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text,
even after they have already been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations
such as IEEE, SI, ac, and dc do not have to be defined. Abbreviations that
incorporate periods should not have spaces: write ``C.N.R.S.,'' not ``C. N.
R. S.'' Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable
(for example, ``IEEE'' in the title of this article).
\subsection{Other Recommendations}
Use one space after periods and colons. Hyphenate complex modifiers:
``zero-field-cooled magnetization.'' Avoid dangling participles, such as,
``Using \eqref{eq}, the potential was calculated.'' [It is not clear who or what
used \eqref{eq}.] Write instead, ``The potential was calculated by using \eqref{eq},'' or
``Using \eqref{eq}, we calculated the potential.''
Use a zero before decimal points: ``0.25,'' not ``.25.'' Use
``cm$^{3}$,'' not ``cc.'' Indicate sample dimensions as ``0.1 cm
$\times $ 0.2 cm,'' not ``0.1 $\times $ 0.2 cm$^{2}$.'' The
abbreviation for ``seconds'' is ``s,'' not ``sec.'' Use
``Wb/m$^{2}$'' or ``webers per square meter,'' not
``webers/m$^{2}$.'' When expressing a range of values, write ``7 to
9'' or ``7--9,'' not ``7$\sim $9.''
A parenthetical statement at the end of a sentence is punctuated outside of
the closing parenthesis (like this). (A parenthetical sentence is punctuated
within the parentheses.) In American English, periods and commas are within
quotation marks, like ``this period.'' Other punctuation is ``outside''!
Avoid contractions; for example, write ``do not'' instead of ``don't.'' The
serial comma is preferred: ``A, B, and C'' instead of ``A, B and C.''
If you wish, you may write in the first person singular or plural and use
the active voice (``I observed that $\ldots$'' or ``We observed that $\ldots$''
instead of ``It was observed that $\ldots$''). Remember to check spelling. If
your native language is not English, please get a native English-speaking
colleague to carefully proofread your paper.
Try not to use too many typefaces in the same article. You're writing
scholarly papers, not ransom notes. Also please remember that MathJax
can't handle really weird typefaces.
Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush
with the right margin, as in \eqref{eq}. To make your equations more
compact, you may use the solidus (~/~), the exp function, or appropriate
exponents. Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in denominators. Punctuate
equations when they are part of a sentence, as in
Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the
equation appears or immediately following. Italicize symbols ($T$ might refer
to temperature, but T is the unit tesla). Refer to ``\eqref{eq},'' not ``Eq. \eqref{eq}''
or ``equation \eqref{eq},'' except at the beginning of a sentence: ``Equation \eqref{eq}
is $\ldots$ .''
\subsection{\LaTeX-Specific Advice}
Please use ``soft'' (e.g., \verb|\eqref{Eq}|) cross references instead
of ``hard'' references (e.g., \verb|(1)|). That will make it possible
to combine sections, add equations, or change the order of figures or
citations without having to go through the file line by line.
Please don't use the \verb|{eqnarray}| equation environment. Use
\verb|{align}| or \verb|{IEEEeqnarray}| instead. The \verb|{eqnarray}|
environment leaves unsightly spaces around relation symbols.
Please note that the \verb|{subequations}| environment in {\LaTeX}
will increment the main equation counter even when there are no
equation numbers displayed. If you forget that, you might write an
article in which the equation numbers skip from (17) to (20), causing
the copy editors to wonder if you've discovered a new method of
{\BibTeX} does not work by magic. It doesn't get the bibliographic
data from thin air but from .bib files. If you use {\BibTeX} to produce a
bibliography you must send the .bib files.
{\LaTeX} can't read your mind. If you assign the same label to a
subsubsection and a table, you might find that Table I has been cross
referenced as Table IV-B3.
{\LaTeX} does not have precognitive abilities. If you put a
\verb|\label| command before the command that updates the counter it's
supposed to be using, the label will pick up the last counter to be
cross referenced instead. In particular, a \verb|\label| command
should not go before the caption of a figure or a table.
Do not use \verb|\nonumber| inside the \verb|{array}| environment. It
will not stop equation numbers inside \verb|{array}| (there won't be
any anyway) and it might stop a wanted equation number in the
surrounding equation.
If you are submitting your paper to a colorized journal, you can use
the following two lines at the start of the article to ensure its
appearance resembles the final copy:
Use either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are strongly
encouraged.) English units may be used as secondary units (in parentheses).
This applies to papers in data storage. For example, write ``15
Gb/cm$^{2}$ (100 Gb/in$^{2})$.'' An exception is when
English units are used as identifiers in trade, such as ``3\textonehalf-in
disk drive.'' Avoid combining SI and CGS units, such as current in amperes
and magnetic field in oersteds. This often leads to confusion because
equations do not balance dimensionally. If you must use mixed units, clearly
state the units for each quantity in an equation.
The SI unit for magnetic field strength $H$ is A/m. However, if you wish to use
units of T, either refer to magnetic flux density $B$ or magnetic field
strength symbolized as $\mu _{0}H$. Use the center dot to separate
compound units, e.g., ``A$\cdot $m$^{2}$.''
\caption{Magnetization as a function of applied field.
It is good practice to explain the significance of the figure in the caption.}
\section{Some Common Mistakes}
The word ``data'' is plural, not singular. The subscript for the
permeability of vacuum $\mu _{0}$ is zero, not a lowercase letter
``o.'' The term for residual magnetization is ``remanence''; the adjective
is ``remanent''; do not write ``remnance'' or ``remnant.'' Use the word
``micrometer'' instead of ``micron.'' A graph within a graph is an
``inset,'' not an ``insert.'' The word ``alternatively'' is preferred to the
word ``alternately'' (unless you really mean something that alternates). Use
the word ``whereas'' instead of ``while'' (unless you are referring to
simultaneous events). Do not use the word ``essentially'' to mean
``approximately'' or ``effectively.'' Do not use the word ``issue'' as a
euphemism for ``problem.'' When compositions are not specified, separate
chemical symbols by en-dashes; for example, ``NiMn'' indicates the
intermetallic compound Ni$_{0.5}$Mn$_{0.5}$ whereas
``Ni--Mn'' indicates an alloy of some composition
Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones ``affect'' (usually a
verb) and ``effect'' (usually a noun), ``complement'' and ``compliment,''
``discreet'' and ``discrete,'' ``principal'' (e.g., ``principal
investigator'') and ``principle'' (e.g., ``principle of measurement''). Do
not confuse ``imply'' and ``infer.''
Prefixes such as ``non,'' ``sub,'' ``micro,'' ``multi,'' and ``ultra'' are
not independent words; they should be joined to the words they modify,
usually without a hyphen. There is no period after the ``et'' in the Latin
abbreviation ``\emph{et al.}'' (it is also italicized). The abbreviation ``i.e.,'' means
``that is,'' and the abbreviation ``e.g.,'' means ``for example'' (these
abbreviations are not italicized).
A general IEEE styleguide is available at \underline{http://www.ieee.org/authortools}.
\section{Guidelines for Graphics Preparation and Submission}
\subsection{Types of Graphics}
The following list outlines the different types of graphics published in
IEEE journals. They are categorized based on their construction, and use of
color/shades of gray:
\subsubsection{Color/Grayscale figures}
{Figures that are meant to appear in color, or shades of black/gray. Such
figures may include photographs, illustrations, multicolor graphs, and
\subsubsection{Line Art figures}
{Figures that are composed of only black lines and shapes. These figures
should have no shades or half-tones of gray, only black and white.}
\subsubsection{Author photos}
{Head and shoulders shots of authors that appear at the end of our papers. }
{Data charts which are typically black and white, but sometimes include
\subsection{Multipart figures}
Figures compiled of more than one sub-figure presented side-by-side, or
stacked. If a multipart figure is made up of multiple figure
types (one part is lineart, and another is grayscale or color) the figure
should meet the stricter guidelines.
\subsection{File Formats For Graphics}\label{formats}
Format and save your graphics using a suitable graphics processing program
that will allow you to create the images as PostScript (PS), Encapsulated
PostScript (.EPS), Tagged Image File Format (.TIFF), Portable Document
Format (.PDF), Portable Network Graphics (.PNG), or Metapost (.MPS), sizes them, and adjusts
the resolution settings. When
submitting your final paper, your graphics should all be submitted
individually in one of these formats along with the manuscript.
\subsection{Sizing of Graphics}
Most charts, graphs, and tables are one column wide (3.5 inches/88
millimeters/21 picas) or page wide (7.16 inches/181 millimeters/43
picas). The maximum depth a graphic can be is 8.5 inches (216 millimeters/54
picas). When choosing the depth of a graphic, please allow space for a
caption. Figures can be sized between column and page widths if the author
chooses, however it is recommended that figures are not sized less than
column width unless when necessary.
There is currently one publication with column measurements that do not
coincide with those listed above. Proceedings of the IEEE has a column
measurement of 3.25 inches (82.5 millimeters/19.5 picas).
The final printed size of author photographs is exactly
1 inch wide by 1.25 inches tall (25.4 millimeters$\,\times\,$31.75 millimeters/6
picas$\,\times\,$7.5 picas). Author photos printed in editorials measure 1.59 inches
wide by 2 inches tall (40 millimeters$\,\times\,$50 millimeters/9.5 picas$\,\times\,$12