我希望它不会被视为重复,但我有与这里相同的问题:一些作者使用 bibtex + natbib + apacite 时出现多个内联引用的问题
链接的问题得到了一个解决方法(更改书目样式),但没有解决方案。我想坚持我目前的书目样式,并解决问题。在我的案例中,将 MWE 情境化如下:
....effort in studying and formalizing innovation practices \citep{pavitt1982,pavitt1984,dosi1988}
author = {Pavitt, K.},
journal = {Research Policy},
title = {{R}\&{D}, patenting and innovative activities: A statistical exploration},
year = {1982},
pages = {33--51},
volume = {11},
issue = {1},
author = {Pavitt, K.},
journal = {Research Policy},
title = {Sectoral patterns of technical change: towards a taxonomy and a theory},
year = {1984},
pages = {343--373},
volume = {13},
author = {Dosi, G.},
journal = {Journal of Economic Literature},
title = {Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation},
year = {1988},
pages = {1120--1171},
volume = {26},
issue = {3},
当前产量低于1。你们有人知道解决方案吗?我不想将 apacite 切换为 .bst,因为我不想将参考文献的 URL 和 DOI 包含在该文档的参考书目中。