在 TeXbook(第 100 页)中,\narrower
进行了描述并提供了以下示例,它在纯 TeX 中运行良好。
{\narrower\smallskip\noindent This paragraph will have narrower lines than the surrounding paragraphs do, because it uses the ``narrower'' feature of plain \TeX. The former margins will be restored after this group ends.\smallskip}
然而,这在 LaTeX 中不起作用。\par
This is a normal paragraph.
This should be a narrower paragraph.
It was created using plain \TeX's ``narrower'' feature as described in the \TeX book.
However, it does not really appear to be narrower.
This is a narrower paragraph.
It was created using plain \TeX's ``narrower'' feature with a trailing \verb|\par|.
Nowadays, you should use a \LaTeX\ environment, though.
This is a normal paragraph again.
Let's make it a bit longer, in order to see its right margin.
这是为什么?即使没有(就像在纯 TeX 中一样),难道不应该\smallskip
区别在于 的定义(和 的定义也\smallskip
一样)。普通的 TeX 定义\medskip
而 LaTeX
是一个 TeX 基元,在(不受限制的)水平模式下发布时会结束当前段落。另一端\vspace
是一个 LaTeX 宏,它扩展了\vskip
在 LaTeX 中定义的\narrower
是偶然的,不应依赖。这是因为原始 LaTeX 格式基于 的略微修改版本,plain.tex
以便于从纯 TeX 文档过渡到 LaTeX 文档。
campa 已经解释了为什么\smallskip
在 LaTeX 中与在普通 TeX 中工作方式不同。但是真实的解决方案是使用 LaTeX 功能(例如)定义您自己的环境\addvspace
This is a normal paragraph.
This should be a narrower paragraph.
It was created using plain \TeX's ``narrower'' feature as described in the \TeX book.
but corrected for \LaTeX{} usage. And you see that it is indeed narrower, because
we added \verb|\par| at the end.\par\smallskip
This should be a narrower paragraph.
It was created using plain \TeX's ``narrower'' feature as described in the \TeX book.
but corrected for \LaTeX{} usage. And you see that it is indeed narrower, because
we added \verb|\par| at the end.\par\smallskip
This is a normal paragraph, long enough to wrap across lines. Let's just make it
long enough. Perhaps this does the job.
This is a narrower paragraph.
It was created using a proper \LaTeX{} environment. Which is surely a better
way to do the job.
This is a narrower paragraph.
It was created using a proper \LaTeX{} environment. Which is surely a better
way to do the job.
This is a normal paragraph, long enough to wrap across lines. Let's just make it
long enough. Perhaps this does the job.
这样您就可以使用其他 LaTeX 功能。
This is a normal paragraph.
This should be a narrower paragraph.
It was created using plain \TeX's ``narrower'' feature as described in the \TeX book.
but corrected for \LaTeX{} usage. And you see that it is indeed narrower, because
we added \verb|\par| at the end.\par\smallskip
This should be a narrower paragraph.
It was created using plain \TeX's ``narrower'' feature as described in the \TeX book.
but corrected for \LaTeX{} usage. And you see that it is indeed narrower, because
we added \verb|\par| at the end.\par\smallskip
This is a normal paragraph, long enough to wrap across lines. Let's just make it
long enough. Perhaps this does the job.
This is a narrower paragraph.
It was created using a proper \LaTeX{} environment. Which is surely a better
way to do the job.
This is a narrower paragraph.
It was created using a proper \LaTeX{} environment. Which is surely a better
way to do the job.
This is a normal paragraph, long enough to wrap across lines. Let's just make it
long enough. Perhaps this does the job.
This is a narrower paragraph.
It was created using a proper \LaTeX{} environment. Which is surely a better
way to do the job.
This is a normal paragraph, long enough to wrap across lines. Let's just make it
long enough. You see it has no indentation, because there was no blank line
between \verb|\end{latexnarrower}| and the following text.