使用 Tikz 包提取长度、坐标并将它们分配给变量

使用 Tikz 包提取长度、坐标并将它们分配给变量


stanli 包中的“\internalforces”命令

(代码 exam1b-本例中的第二个编码集)



  • 能够提取线长度并将其分配给变量,以便我以后可以使用该变量作为其他操作的输入?

  • 将提取的线长度设置为厘米、英寸……或任何需要的单位

  • 能够提取点坐标并将它们分配给变量,以便我以后可以使用该变量作为其他操作的输入?

这是 MWE

\babelfont[english]{rm}{Times New Roman}


  \pgfkeys{/MyStuff/declare constant={#1}{#2}}%
  /MyStuff/.unknown/.code=\pgfkeys{/MyStuff/declare constant={\pgfkeyscurrentname}{#1}},
  /MyStuff/declare constant/.code 2 args=%
                 {Constant declaration error: Name of constant not specified}%
                 {\space\space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces You cannot declare a constant without\MessageBreak specifying its name.}%
                 {You need some sort of identifier for referencing the constant.}%
                   {Constant declaration error: Value of constant not specified}%
                   {\space\space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces You cannot declare a constant without\MessageBreak specifying its value.}%
                   {Which aspect of a constant could be constant if not its value?\MessageBreak So there must be a value!}%
                   {Constant declaration error: Value of constant not specified}%
                   {\space\space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces You cannot declare a constant without\MessageBreak specifying its value.}%
                   {Which aspect of a constant could be constant if not its value?\MessageBreak So there must be a value!}%
  /MyStuff/declare constant/.value required,%


% \DeclareConstant{Y1}{-3-3};
% \DeclareConstant{Y2}{-14};
  Y1=-3-1-2,              % yields Y1=-6
  Y2={mod(-114,-100)},    % yields Y2=-14
  % Y3=...,
  % Y4=...,
  % foobar=...,
  % ...

\pgfmathsetmacro{\xnewResults}{{add(multiply(sqrt(add(pow(subtract(\xb,\xa),2),pow(subtract(\yb,\ya),2))),cos(105)),1) }}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ynewResults}{{add(multiply(sqrt(add(pow(subtract(\xb,\xa),2),pow(subtract(\yb,\ya),2))),sin(105)),1) }}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xpointResults}{{add(multiply(subtract(1,\num),\xa),multiply(\num,\xb)) }}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ypointResults}{{add(multiply(subtract(1,\num),\ya),multiply(\num,\yb)) }}



TikZ 的问题是:

TikZ 是一种在纸上绘画的手段。


TikZ 用于通过二维平面可视化/描绘任何事实。

为此,TikZ 内部为每个 tikzpicture 使用一个由二维笛卡尔坐标系跨越的平面,其基向量彼此垂直且长度为 1pt。(根据 TeXbook,第 10 章:72.27pt = 2.54cm <-> (72.27/2.54)pt = 1cm)

所有位置数据/所有坐标均通过用户输入提供,例如\coordinate (AB) at (1.25,0.25);都是内部的立即地由 TikZ 转换至其内部坐标系。

即使您想要使用 x、y 和 z 坐标显示三维物体,三维坐标也会立即转换为内部用于绘制描绘的二维坐标。

所有内容立即转换的情况意味着 TikZ 本身仅保存与要创建的图像/图片相关的数据。TikZ

例如,通过 TikZ 本身保存的数据,您可以得出描绘的组成部分一条线的长度。

但是从 TikZ 本身存储的数据中,我们只能得出非常有限的数据,例如属于要描述的事实本身的物理值或其他量的值。

例如,如果您使用 TikZ 绘制三维金字塔,则可以使用 TikZ 本身保存的数据来计算描绘中的线有多长,该线在描绘中代表金字塔的高度。这指的是描绘。无法使用这些数据计算三维金字塔本身的高度。这是因为 TikZ 提供的数据指的是描绘,即二维的东西,而金字塔是三维物体。在 TikZ 本身的数据库存中,缺少有关要描绘的物体的三维性的信息。

以 TikZ 包本身保存的数据为基础进行计算(参考要表示的事实)在我看来是错误的方法。



例如,如果你将长度 1.5cm 放入\pgfmathparse—即\pgfmathparse{1.5cm},结果这个数量的数值将存储在 中的宏中\pgfmathresult,标准化为单位1pt。如果你想将这个数量的数值标准化为单位 1cm ,因此执行\pgfmathparse{scalar((\pgfmathresult)*(1pt/1cm))},那么结果将不是 ,1.5而是类似于1.49979

\show\pgfmathresult % 42.67912 - this is a scalar, the numerical value of the quantity 1.5cm standardized to the unit 1pt, with rounding-error.
\show\pgfmathresult % 1.49979 - this is a scalar, the numerical value of the quantity 42.67912pt standardized to the unit 1cm, also with rounding-error.

如果您打算使用 TikZ 在 tikzpicture 本身范围内保存的数据进行计算以执行与描述相关的操作,您可以获取 xy 坐标(标准化为 1pt 的坐标数值),例如,通过执行以下操作:

您需要牢记,不应被理解为\pgfmathparse数学运算符或数学函数名称的事物(例如“坐标”名称)必须放在"在 的参数中出现时\pgfmathparse/在由 处理的事物中出现时之间\pgfmathparse

顺便说一句,我认为在 TikZ\coordinate作曲x 和 y(以及 z)值的表示非常奇怪。在常见用法中,例如 x 值本身就是坐标,而不是坐标的组成部分。

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\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A) at (1,1);
\coordinate (B) at (1,2);
\coordinate (C) at (2,2);
\coordinate (D) at (2,1);

\draw (A) node[below left]{A} -- (B) node[above left]{B} -- (C) node[above right]{C} -- (D) node[below right]{D} -- cycle;
\draw (O) node[below left]{origin};
\foreach \element in {A,B,C,D,O} \fill (\element) circle (2pt);

\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (3,0)node[right]{\lower-.5ex\hbox{x-direction}};
\draw[->] (0,-3) -- (0,3)node[above]{y-direction};

% TikZ-data like \coordinate (A)... is not available outside the tikzpicture, therefore let's save 
% coordinates to macros:




A was specified as: \verb|\coordinate (A) at (1,1);|

This means:

In order to determine the coordinates of A in the tikzpicture add one time TikZ's x-vector and one time TikZ's y-vector to the origin.\\
(At the time of specifying A/determining the coordinates of A in TikZ's internal coordinate system
\item the x-vector was specified to point as many pt in x-direction as correspond to 1cm and to point 0pt in y-direction.
\item the y-vector was specified to point as many pt in y-direction as correspond to 1cm and to point 0pt in x-direction.
The x-vector and the y-vector and the z-vector can be adjusted via \verb|\pgfsetxvec| respective \verb|\pgfsetyvec| respective \verb|\pgfsetzvec|.)


The x-coordinate $A_x$ of A in TikZ's internal coordinate system of the corresponding tikzpicture is:  \Ax.

The y-coordinate $A_y$ of A in TikZ's internal coordinate system of the corresponding tikzpicture is:  \Ay.

This means: In order to find A in the tikzpicture you need to go from the origin 
\Ax pt $\approx$ \pgfmathparse{StandardizeToUnit(\Ax,1cm)}\pgfmathresult cm{} in x-direction and
\Ay pt $\approx$ \pgfmathparse{StandardizeToUnit(\Ay,1cm)}\pgfmathresult cm{} in y-direction.


C was specified as: \verb|\coordinate (C) at (2,2);|

This means:

In order to determine the coordinates of C in the tikzpicture add two times TikZ's x-vector and two times TikZ's y-vector to the origin.\\
(At the time of specifying C/determining the coordinates of C in TikZ's internal coordinate system
\item the x-vector was specified to point as many pt in x-direction as correspond to 1cm and to point 0pt in y-direction.
\item the y-vector was specified to point as many pt in y-direction as correspond to 1cm and to point 0pt in x-direction.
The x-vector and the y-vector and the z-vector can be adjusted via \verb|\pgfsetxvec| respective \verb|\pgfsetyvec| respective \verb|\pgfsetzvec|.)


The x-coordinate $C_x$ of C in TikZ's internal coordinate system of the corresponding tikzpicture is:  \Cx.

The y-coordinate $C_y$ of C in TikZ's internal coordinate system of the corresponding tikzpicture is:  \Cy.

This means: In order to find C in the tikzpicture  you need to go from the origin 
\Cx pt $\approx$ \pgfmathparse{StandardizeToUnit(\Cx,1cm)}\pgfmathresult cm{} in x-direction and
\Cy pt $\approx$ \pgfmathparse{StandardizeToUnit(\Cy,1cm)}\pgfmathresult cm{} in y-direction.


According to pythagoras in the tikzpicture the distance between A and C is
$\sqrt{(C_x-A_x)^2+(C_y-A_y)^2}$ $\approx$
\pgfmathparse{sqrt((\Cx-\Ax)*(\Cx-\Ax)+(\Cy-\Ay)*(\Cy-\Ay))}\pgfmathresult pt
\pgfmathparse{StandardizeToUnit(\pgfmathresult,1cm)}\pgfmathresult cm{}.


