- 第
第 1.1 节小节
- 章
1.1 节
1.1.1 小节
我正在使用 \documentclass{these},它在我的顾问发送给我的 (.cls) 文件中定义,该 (.cls) 文件如下所示:
\ProvidesClass{these}[2007/07/16 classe pour mise en forme de These]
% names
\newcommand{\@advisorapp}{Directeur de th\`ese }
\newcommand{\@coadvisorapp}{Co-directeur de th\`ese}
% Sets the name of the laboratory
\newcommand{\@labo}{\textbf{!\texttt{labo} \`a d\'efinir!}}
% Sets the name of the school
\newcommand{\@school}{\textbf{!\texttt{school} \`a d\'efinir!}}
% Sets the name of the phd speciality
\newcommand{\@speciality}{\textbf{!\texttt{speciality} \`a d\'efinir!}}
% Sets the name of the university
\newcommand{\@universityabbrv}{\textbf{!\texttt{universit\'e} \`a d\'efinir!}}
\newcommand{\@university}{\textbf{!\texttt{universit'e} \`a d\'efinir!}}
% Sets the ISBN number (if not set, prints lines for space to the 10 digits to
% be written
% Sets the advisor name (and title, optional, defaults to M)
\newcommand{\@advisor}{\textbf{!\texttt{advisor} \`a d\'efinir!}}
% Sets the coadvisor name (and title, optional, defaults to M)
\newcommand{\@coadvisor}{\textbf{!\texttt{coadvisor} \`a d\'efinir!}}
% Defines a member of the jury
\begin{tabular}{r@{ }ll}
\newcommand{\jurymember}[3][M]{#1. , }
\newcommand{\juryadvisor}[1][Directeur de th\`ese]{
\newcommand{\jurycoadvisor}[1][Co-directeur de th\`ese]{
% redefine the \maketitle command
% top=15mm,bottom=20mm,
% hmargin=25mm,bindingoffset=10mm}
% \vsize = 277mm
% \voffset = -15mm
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% \headsep = 0mm
% \hsize = 160mm
% \hoffset = -10mm
% \vbox to \vsize {
% \begin{center}
% N{$^\circ$} attribu\'e par la biblioth\`eque\\
% \texttt{\@ISBN}
pour obtenir le grade de\\
\textbf{\textsc{Docteur} de \@universityabbrv}\\
Sp\'ecialit\'e : \textbf{\@speciality}\\
pr\'epar\'ee au laboratoire \textbf{\@labo}\\
dans le cadre de l'\'Ecole Doctorale \textbf{\@school}\\
pr\'esent\'ee et soutenue publiquement\\
le \@date\\
\@titleapp :\\
\@advisorapp : \textbf{\@advisor}\\
\@coadvisorapp : \textbf{\@coadvisor}\\
{\large \@juryapp}\\
% }
% Back page
% \vsize = 277mm
% \voffset = -15mm
% \topmargin = 0mm
% \headheight = 0mm
% \headsep = 0mm
% \hsize = 160mm
% \hoffset = -10mm
% \vbox to \vsize {
\@backsection[]{Adrr : }{\@labaddr}{\@resumesize}%
\@backsection[]{ISBN : }{\@ISBN}{}
% \vspace*{\stretch{1}}
% \noindent\textbf{\textsc{ISBN}} : {\@resumesize{\@ISBN}}
% \noindent\textbf{\textsc{ISBN}} : {\@resumesize{\@ISBN}}
% fancy pagestyle redefinition
% plain pagestyle redefinition
\renewcommand\thepart {\@Roman\c@part}
\renewcommand\thechapter {\@arabic\c@chapter}
\renewcommand\thesection {\@arabic\c@section}
\renewcommand\thesubsection {\thesection.\@arabic\c@subsection}
\renewcommand\thesubsubsection {\thesubsection.\@arabic\c@subsubsection}
\renewcommand\theparagraph {\thesubsubsection.\@arabic\c@paragraph}
\renewcommand\thesubparagraph {\theparagraph.\@arabic\c@subparagraph}
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
%Redefine cleardoublepage so that the pages inserted are really empty
\thispagestyle{empty} %set style empty