scrbook 的 \AddtoDoHook 有什么用

scrbook 的 \AddtoDoHook 有什么用


可以使用 KOMA 脚本的 \AddtoDoHook (如下面的 MWE 所示)来实现每个章节、章节、段落等的第一个字符的大写命令。





% test_AddtoDoHook_02


% 1 in order to capture section name:


% 2 condition to define titlebox  bar ou foo (systematically):
    % Si la subsubsection est «foo», le titre est «bar»:
    % sinon le titre des tcolorbox est «foo»:
    {\tcbset{title=title is systematically foo except for foo !!!}}

%my test not OK


% 3 use AddtoDoHook in one command for all document in order to control all box:


\paragraph{first paragraph}

this is  start of...

\paragraph{second paragarph}

this is  start of... ( here I would like >>This is  start of... )

other start of line ( here I would like >>This is  start of... )

other start of line ( here I would like >>Other is  start of... )

      There is foo citation
      title colorbox should be bar.

      There is bar citation
      title colorbox should be foo. 


        There is egg citation
        title colorbox should be foo. 




你能提出一个 MWE 吗?(我使用 lualatex,也许可以用 lua 编写程序?)
