

我有一个问题需要解决。这里的问题是,我希望证明环境中的下一行也加粗等等,请考虑以下 MWE:

\documentclass[10pt, welsh, english, a4paper]{report}

  \oldproof[\Large \color{red}{\textbf{Proof}}]%

%Removing the punctuation from Proof environment and, note environment is the correct spelling of that word.
\usepackage{etoolbox} % etoolbox defines the command 'AtBeginEnvironment'

\title{LaTeX document for testing and faster compilations prior to organizing into other documents}
\author{Faycal Kilali\thanks{"It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment." - Carl Friedrich Gauss}}


\section{Placeholder section}

                    If a connected plane graph has v vertices, e edges and f faces, then \begin{gather}
                        v - e + f = 1 \label{thm:9.2:1}

\begin{proof}{Proof of \Autoref{thm:9.2}}
    Here is the statement p(n) we are going to try to prove by induction: \\ p(n): every connected plane graph with n edges satisfies the formula \(v - n + f = 1\). 

Notice that p(n) is a statement about lots of plane graphs. p(1) says that every connected plane graph with 1 edge satisfies the formula; there is only one such graph:



但是我希望大红色加粗的“证明”字母也能影响下一部分“定理 1.1 的证明”的风格,我该如何实现呢?





如果你的 LaTeX 版本早于 2020-10-01,你需要加载该letltxmacro包并使用





没有\Autoref我改成的\autoref。您没有加载xcolorhyperref。您还将选项传递给了 而babel没有加载它。如果您english在选项中说 ,那么\documentclass再次传递相同的选项是没有意义的。

\documentclass[10pt, welsh, english, a4paper]{report}
\usepackage{etoolbox} % etoolbox defines the command 'AtBeginEnvironment'




%Removing the punctuation from proof environment


\section{Placeholder section}

If a connected plane graph has $v$ vertices, $e$ edges and $f$ faces, then
v - e + f = 1 \label{thm:9.2:1}

\begin{proof}{Proof of \autoref{thm:9.2}}
Here is the statement \(p(n)\) we are going to try to prove by induction:
\(p(n)\): every connected plane graph with $n$ edges satisfies the formula \(v - n + f = 1\). 
Notice that \(p(n)\) is a statement about lots of plane graphs. 
\(p(1)\) says that every connected plane graph with one edge satisfies the formula; 
there is only one such graph:



