tufte-latex 文件可以输出 tufte-css HTML 吗?

tufte-latex 文件可以输出 tufte-css HTML 吗?

我的大部分 LaTeX 工作都是使用 tufte-handout 和 tufte-book 类完成的,我通常使用 LuaLaTeX 将它们转换为 PDF。最近我一直在尝试使用 htlatex 或其他工具将我的作品输出为 HTML,但 HTML 输出效果都很糟糕。我曾天真地尝试将 tufte-css 添加到 htlatex 生成的 html 文件的输出中,结果却一团糟。有没有好的工作流程来完成这项工作?

经过编辑,包含 MWE:



    Here is some text. \marginnote{Here is a margin note.}
    Here is some math: \(a^2+b^2=c^2\)


我使用 htlatex 将其编译为 HTML,并将 tufte.css 添加到标题中,效果确实不错。不幸的是,同样的工作流程似乎不适用于更复杂的文档。


可以配置 TeX4ht 以生成 Tufte HTML 所需的输出。目前,我有工作逐字记录、注释、参考书目、章节\maketitle和图表。


\title{Sample Document}
\author{Michal Hoftich}

This is an example of Tufte \LaTeX\ document converted to Tufte HTML using \TeX4ht\footnote{\url{https://tug.org/tex4ht/}}.
It shows various commands provided by Tufte classes. Most of the text are just random words 
provided by the Kantlipsum\footnote{\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/kantlipsum?lang=en}} package, so please don't 
try to find a message in that.

  \caption{Example margin figure}

\section{First section}

Here is some math: \(a^2+b^2=c^2\)



\subsection{Hello, subsection}

  \caption{Example figure}


% \begin{margintable}
%   \begin{tabular}{l l}
%     hello & world\\
%     second & line
%   \end{tabular}
%   \caption{Margin table}
% \end{margintable}

  \caption{Full width figure}
Hello verbatim 
Some special characters: {|}\ % "

\newthought{We can try thought} \allcaps{uppercase} \textit{příliš žluťoučký kůň} \kant[3]

I am also interested in footnotes\footnote{Hello, this is a footnote}. \kant[4]

Another paragraph, try sidenote this time\sidenote{This is a sidenote}. And also marginnote\marginnote{Hello, this is a marginnote}.

I want to try citations\cite{Tufte2001,Tufte1990,Tufte1997,Tufte2006}.

  This paragraphs is in full size \kant[5]



我用过这个 .bib 文件测试参考书目支持。


% add tufte.css to your document

% helper macro to close the current paragraph

% insert <article> element to the document body

% Tufte LaTeX makes \section and \subsection to behave like \section* and \subsection*
% so we need to configure like<section level>
% These configurations insert <section> elements and print titles in apropriate header elements


% we must redefine TOC to print starred sectioning commands
% \TableOfContents is provided by TeX4ht

% custom \maketitle
    \HCode{<p class="subtitle">}\@author\HCode{</p>}%
    \HCode{<p class="subtitle">}\@date\HCode{</p>}%

% make images resize automatically
\Css{img {
    max-width: 100\%;
    height: auto;

% fix for commands redefined by soul

% footnotes and sidenotes

\bgroup% make font changes local
  \HCode{<label for="sitenote-\thempfn" class="margin-toggle sidenote-number"></label><input type="checkbox" id="sidenote-\thempfn" class="margin-toggle" />}%
  \HCode{<span class="sidenote">}#3\HCode{</span>}%
\bgroup% make font changes local
  \HCode{<label for="sitenote-\thempfn" class="margin-toggle"></label><input type="checkbox" id="sidenote-\thempfn" class="margin-toggle" />}%
  \HCode{<span class="marginnote">}#2\HCode{</span>}%

% environments

\ConfigureEnv{fullwidth}{\endparagraph\HCode{<div class="fullwidth">}%
\ConfigureList{list}{}{}{}{}% fullwidth uses list environment internally, we don't need this
\par\ShowPar\indent% require insertion of paragraph

% floats


% redefine internal margin float environment in order to prevent use of minipage and other undersirable environments
{\FloatBarrier% process all floats before this point so the figure/table numbers stay in order.
\let\textwidth\marginparwidth% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{...} should work
% redefine paragraph
\Configure{HtmlPar}{\EndP\csname a:marginfloat\endcsname}{\EndP\csname a:marginfloat\endcsname}{\csname b:marginfloat\endcsname}{\csname b:marginfloat\endcsname}%

\Configure{marginfloat}{\HCode{<p><span class="marginnote">}
% we must handle \caption inside marginnote
\Configure{caption}{\HCode{<span class="figure">}}{:\space}{}{\HCode{</span>}}

% display marginnote caption on a separate line
\Css{.marginnote .figure{display:block;}}


% caption should produce margin note by default
\Configure{caption}{\HCode{<span class="marginnote">}}{:\space}{}{\HCode{</span>}}

% figure* should produce full width image
% we need to make few adjustments
\Configure{float}{}{\endparagraph\HCode{<figure class="fullwidth">}}{\endparagraph\HCode{</figure>}\csname par\endcsname\ShowPar}
\Configure{caption}{\endparagraph\HCode{<span class="figure">}}{:\space}{}{\HCode{</span>}}

\ConfigureEnv{margintable}{\endparagraph\HCode{<div class="margintable">}\Configure{caption}{}{:\space}{}{}}{\endparagraph\HCode{</div>}}{}{}

% fix for display math length
\Css{div.math-display, div.par-math-display {width: 55\%}}




pdflatex sample.tex
bibtex sample
make4ht -m draft -c myconfig.cfg sample.tex "mathml,mathjax"



您还可以看到HTML 版本在线的。
