带有自定义超链接的 BibLaTeX 自定义引用字符串

带有自定义超链接的 BibLaTeX 自定义引用字符串

我想要一种自定义的引用样式,其中引用看起来像期刊和年份的简称,并超链接到 DOI 或期刊网站,而不是参考列表(参考书目)。


下面是一个尚未实现我想要的功能的 MWE:

  author    = {Ulrich Fischer and Max Heinzler and Roland Kilgus and Friedrich Näher and Stefan Oesterle and Heinz Paetzold and Werner Röhrer and Andreas Stephan and Ralf Winkow},
  title     = {Tabellenbuch Metall},
  edition   = {42},
  year      = {2002},
  publisher = {Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel},
  location  = {Haan-Gruiten},
  shorthand={Verlag 2002}
  author    = {Walter Schnell and Dietmar Gross and Werner Hauger},
  title = {Technische Mechanik},
  volume    = {2},
  title     = {Elastostatik},
  edition   = {4},
  publisher = {Springer},
  date      = {2002},
  location  = {Berlin},
  journal={Journal of BibTeX examples},
  shorthand={J Bib Examp 2002}
%shorthand={\href{http://doi.org/10.1257/jep.23.1.221}{J Bib Examp 2002}}

%            \field{usera}
Citing these   \cite{tabmet,fakeart}



  shorthand={\href{http://doi.org/10.1257/jep.23.1.221}{J Bib Examp 2002}}


  shorthand={J Bib Examp 2002}

但这样做会产生错误。我真正想要的是不使用 来做到这一点shorthand。我可以定义一种样式,使用url数据库中的字段和journal数据库中的字段,使引用表现得像

(\href{url}{journal year})


我认为最好将shorthand和 链接 分成不同的字段。这样你就不必费心处理\href,也不必执行不必要的格式化命令。

如果我们不想重复使用现有字段(如urldoi),则需要定义一个新字段来保存引用标签的链接。在下面的示例中,我将其称为。需要在文件中shorthandlink声明新字段(在下面的 MWE 中,文件是使用 生成的,在实际应用程序中,只需生成一次文件并将其放在 LaTeX 可以找到的地方)。biblatex.dbx.dbxfilecontents



\ProvidesFile{shorthandlink.dbx}[2020/11/15 arbitrary links for shorthands]
\DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field, datatype=uri]{shorthandlink}

  maxnames=999, minalphanames=3, giveninits=true,



  author        = {Ulrich Fischer and Max Heinzler and Roland Kilgus
                   and Friedrich Näher and Stefan Oesterle
                   and Heinz Paetzold and Werner Röhrer
                   and Andreas Stephan and Ralf Winkow},
  title         = {Tabellenbuch Metall},
  edition       = {42},
  year          = {2002},
  publisher     = {Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel},
  location      = {Haan-Gruiten},
  shorthand     = {Verlag 2002},
  shorthandlink = {https://example.com/verlag/2002},
  author        = {Walter Schnell and Dietmar Gross and Werner Hauger},
  title         = {Technische Mechanik},
  volume        = {2},
  title         = {Elastostatik},
  edition       = {4},
  publisher     = {Springer},
  date          = {2002},
  location      = {Berlin},
  journal       = {Journal of BibTeX examples},
  shorthand     = {J Bib Examp 2002},
  shorthandlink = {https://doi.org/10.1257/jep.23.1.221},

  Citing these\cite{tabmet,fakeart}




  maxnames=999, minalphanames=3, giveninits=true]{biblatex}



  author        = {Ulrich Fischer and Max Heinzler and Roland Kilgus
                   and Friedrich Näher and Stefan Oesterle
                   and Heinz Paetzold and Werner Röhrer
                   and Andreas Stephan and Ralf Winkow},
  title         = {Tabellenbuch Metall},
  edition       = {42},
  year          = {2002},
  publisher     = {Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel},
  location      = {Haan-Gruiten},
  shorthand     = {Verlag 2002},
  url           = {https://example.com/verlag/2002},
  author        = {Walter Schnell and Dietmar Gross and Werner Hauger},
  title         = {Technische Mechanik},
  volume        = {2},
  title         = {Elastostatik},
  edition       = {4},
  publisher     = {Springer},
  date          = {2002},
  location      = {Berlin},
  journal       = {Journal of BibTeX examples},
  shorthand     = {J Bib Examp 2002},
  doi           = {10.1257/jep.23.1.221},

  Citing these\cite{tabmet,fakeart}
