当我使用 caption 参数进行动词操作时
some code
file.tex|44 error| Argument of \pl@label has an extra }.
file.tex|44 error| Paragraph ended before \pl@label was complete.
a4paper, % DIN A4
DIV=10, % Schriftgröße und Satzspiegel
oneside, % einseitiger Druck
BCOR=5mm, % Bindungskorrektur
parskip=half, % Halber Abstand zwischen Absätzen
numbers=noenddot, % Kein Punkt hinter Kapitelnummern
bibtotoc, % Literaturverzeichnis im Inhaltsverzeichnis
listof=totoc % Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis im Inhaltsverzeichnis
\usepackage{graphicx} %package to manage images
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, automata, backgrounds, calendar, chains, matrix, mindmap, patterns, petri, shadows, shapes.geometric, shapes.misc, spy, trees}
\input{thesisglossaries.tex} % load acronym, symbol and glossarie entries
\makeglossaries % create all glossary entries (remember: run makeglossaries manually)
\sisetup{locale = DE} % siunitx locale setup
%\DeclareSIUnit \fps{fps} % a custom unit (usage: \SI{24}{\fps})
\input{configuration/configuration} % load all settings
% Cover page here, no page number
% Titlepage is page one even if the number is not shown.
% Title page here
% Abstract page here
% Table of contents here
% List of figures here
% List of tables here
% List of accronyms here
% List of symbols here
% Uncomment if list of source code is needed (rarely).
%\lstlistoflistings % requires package listings, needs to uncommenting of usepackage
% path to the chapters folder is set to find the images used there
\graphicspath{ {./chapters/} }
% Chapters
% Appendix