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\fancyhead[L]{Header\\Header 2 (last updated \today)}
\section{Preferences and Choice}
\hangpara{1em}{1}\textbf{Rational preference relation} the preference relation $\succsim$ is rational iff it satisfies
\item Completeness: $\forall x,y, x\succsim y$ or $y \succsim x$
\item Transitivity: $\forall x,y,z, x\succsim y$ and $y \succsim z \implies x\succsim z$
If $\succsim$ is rational, then
\item $\succ$ is both irreflexive ($x\succ x$ never holds) and transitive (if $x\succ y$ and $y\succ z$ then $x\succ z$)
\item $\forall x,y,z, x\succsim y$ and $y \succsim z \implies x\succsim z$
\item if $x\succ y \succsim z,$ then $x\succ z$
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\hangpara{1em}{1}\textbf{An Unnumbered Paragraph} aaa
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\fancyhead[L]{Header\\Header 2 (last updated \today)}
\section{Preferences and Choice}
\hangpara{1em}{1}\textbf{Rational preference relation} the preference relation $\succsim$ is rational iff it satisfies
\item Completeness: $\forall x,y, x\succsim y$ or $y \succsim x$
\item Transitivity: $\forall x,y,z, x\succsim y$ and $y \succsim z \implies x\succsim z$
If $\succsim$ is rational, then
\item $\succ$ is both irreflexive ($x\succ x$ never holds) and transitive (if $x\succ y$ and $y\succ z$ then $x\succ z$)
\item $\forall x,y,z, x\succsim y$ and $y \succsim z \implies x\succsim z$
\item if $x\succ y \succsim z,$ then $x\succ z$
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\hangpara{1em}{1}\textbf{An Unnumbered Paragraph} aaa
\hangpara{1em}{1}\textbf{Another Unnumbered Paragraph} bbb