


%transforms all coordinates the same way when used (use it within a scope!)
%(rotation is not 45 degress to avoid overlapping edges)
% Input: point of origins x and y coordinate

% draw a 4x4 helper grid in 3D
% Input: point of origins x and y coordinate and additional drawing-parameters
        \draw [#3,step=2cm,fill=purple!10] grid (12,12);
        \draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4) [fill=red!20];

\tikzstyle myBG=[line width=3pt,opacity=1.0]

% draws lines with white background to show which lines are closer to the
% viewer (Hint: draw from bottom up and from back to front)
%Input: start and end point
    %%\draw[white,myBG]  (#1) -- (#2);
    \draw[black,very thick] (#1) -- (#2);

% draws all horizontal graph lines within grid


% draws all vertical graph lines within grid
    %swaps x and y coordinate (hence vertical lines):

%draws nodes of the grid
%Input: point of origins x and y coordinate
        % A_00
        \node at (2,2) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        % A_01
        \node at (6,2) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {0};
        \node at (10,2) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {1};
        % A_10
        \node at (2,6) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        \node at (2,10) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        % A_11
        \node at (6,6) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        \node at (10,6) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        \node at (6,10) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        \node at (10,10) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=red!20] {};
        % A_00
        \node at (2,2) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};
        % A_01
        \node at (6,2) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {0};
        \node at (10,2) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {1};
        % A_10
        \node at (2,6) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};
        \node at (2,10) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};
        % A_11
        \node at (6,6) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};
        \node at (10,6) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};
        \node at (6,10) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};
        \node at (10,10) [circle, draw=blue!80, thick, fill=blue!20] {};



    %draws helper-grid:

    %draws lower graph lines and those in z-direction:

        %draws all graph lines in z-direction (reset transformation first!):
        \foreach \x in {2,6,10} {
            \foreach \y in {2,6,10} {
                \node (thisNode) at (\x,\y) {};
                    %\draw[black,myBG]  (thisNode) -- ++(0,4.25);
                    \draw[black, opacity=1] (thisNode) -- ++(0,4.25);

    %draws upper graph-lines:

    % draws all graph nodes:

    % Fill values
        \node at (0.5,0.5) {A};
        \node at (0.5,1.5) {B};
        \node at (1.5,0.5) {C};
        \node at (1.5,1.5) {D};
        %\foreach \x in {2,4,6,8,10,12} {
        %    \foreach \y in {2,4,6,8,10,12} {
        %      \node at (\x-1,\y-1) [fill=red] {A} rectangle(1,1);
        %    }




如您所见,红色矩形隐藏了网格线。如何确保网格线不被隐藏?我基本上想用交替颜色为所有 4x4“子网格”着色。

