


我确实注意到,我在交替编译时得到了不同的结果。我还注意到,当ifundefined单独测试该部分(即打印 true 或 false)时,需要进行两次编译。我相信这是因为 TeX 与其 .aux 文件交互的方式?



\newcounter{myrefcnt}% my referene counter
\newcommand\myref[1]{% my command
  \@ifundefined{r@#1}{%if reference doesnt exist
    \refstepcounter{myrefcnt}\themyrefcnt\label{#1}% create a label for reference
    \ref{#1}% else reference it


  \textbf{My Attempt:}

    Things & Applicable Things \\\hline
    Aardvark & \myref{fourlegs}, \myref{lookslikerat} \\
    Bat & \myref{lookslikerat} \\
    Cheetah & \myref{fourlegs} \\\hline

\myref{fourlegs} indicates speciment has four legs.
\myref{lookslikerat} indicates speciment looks like a rat.

  \textit{When I run the file, the labels are sometimes 1,2,3,4, but other times 5,6,6,5}

  \textbf{I want to produce the following:}

    Things & Applicable Things \\\hline
    Aardvark & 1, 2 \\
    Bat & 2 \\
    Cheetah & 1 \\\hline

1 indicates speciment has four legs.
2 indicates speciment looks like a rat.




这样您就可以\label对在文档开头读取的辅助文件进行前向引用写入,因此所有 r@.. 宏都在第二次运行时定义。您可以创建一个\my@'#1不记录辅助文件的全局宏,然后以相同的方式在您的宏中测试它。(在这种情况下,您可能\label根本不需要。


\newcounter{myrefcnt}% my referene counter
\newcommand\myref[1]{% my command
  \@ifundefined{myr@#1}{%if reference doesnt exist
    \stepcounter{myrefcnt}\themyrefcnt\expandafter\xdef\csname myr@#1\endcsname{\themyrefcnt}% create a label for reference
    \csname myr@#1\endcsname% else reference it


  \textbf{My Attempt:}

    Things & Applicable Things \\\hline
    Aardvark & \myref{fourlegs}, \myref{lookslikerat} \\
    Bat & \myref{lookslikerat} \\
    Cheetah & \myref{fourlegs} \\\hline

\myref{fourlegs} indicates speciment has four legs.
\myref{lookslikerat} indicates speciment looks like a rat.

  \textit{When I run the file, the labels are sometimes 1,2,3,4, but other times 5,6,6,5}

  \textbf{I want to produce the following:}

    Things & Applicable Things \\\hline
    Aardvark & 1, 2 \\
    Bat & 2 \\
    Cheetah & 1 \\\hline

1 indicates speciment has four legs.
2 indicates speciment looks like a rat.


您可能仍会遇到对事物进行多次评估的环境问题(例如 amsmath 对齐和 tabularx),因为您需要保护测试,以便试运行不会使每次使用看起来都不是第一次。
