TikZ 角度库 - 角度大小正确但偏移了一些度数

TikZ 角度库 - 角度大小正确但偏移了一些度数


ps 如果有人能找到一种方法,让我只需要指定坐标 S 和角度\angle,就可以自动绘制,那就太感激了(为了调试目的,角度命令绘制的内容变为红色)

    % Bla Bla Bla...
    % Some content Etc....
        \begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill,name=#1},
        extended line/.style={shorten >=-#1,shorten <=-#1},
        extended line/.default=50cm, scale=2]
            % ----- Zoom and clip ----- %
            \clip (-4,-2) rectangle (2,2);
            \draw[help lines, color=gray!30, dashed] (-19,-19) grid (19,19);
            % ----- Coordinates ----- %
            \def\angle{pi/4 r};
            \coordinate (O) at (0, 0); % Origin
            \coordinate (S) at (-3, 1); % Start of half-line
            \coordinate (B) at (10, 0); % Base Line
            \coordinate (L) at ({\angle}: 13); % The half-line
            % ----- Main ----- %
            \draw (B)--(S)--(L) pic [draw=green!50!black, fill=green!20, angle radius=2cm, "$\frac{\pi}{4}$"] {angle = B--S--L};
            \draw[very thick] (S) -- +(L);
            \draw[very thick, dashed] (S) -- +(B);
            % ----- Axes ----- %
            \draw[->,ultra thick] (-19,0)--(19,0) node[right]{$x$};
            \draw[->,ultra thick] (0,-19)--(0,19) node[above]{$y$};



抱歉,不清楚您想要什么。考虑到@abcdefg 的评论,您的 MWE 可以重写如下:

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
                babel}  % for language issues

%dot/.style={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill,name=#1},
extended line/.style={shorten >=-#1,shorten <=-#1},
extended line/.default=50cm, scale=2,
myangle/.style = {draw=#1!50!black, fill=#1!20, 
                  angle eccentricity=0.8,  angle radius=12m}
% ----- Zoom and clip ----- %
\clip (-4,-2) rectangle (2,2);
\draw[help lines, color=gray!30, dashed] (-19,-19) grid (19,19);

% ----- Coordinates ----- %
\def\angle{pi/4 r};
%\coordinate (O) at ( 0, 0); % Origin
\coordinate (S) at (-3, 1); % Start of half-line
\path   (S) -- ++ (0:10)        coordinate (B)  % Base Line
        (S) -- ++ (\angle:13)   coordinate (L); % The half-line

% ----- Main ----- %
\pic [myangle=orange, "$\frac{\pi}{4}$"] {angle = B--S--L}; % <--- instead of "orange" select your color as you wish

\draw[very thick,cap=round] (S) -- (L);
\draw[very thick, dashed]   (S) -- (B);

% ----- Axes ----- %
\draw[->,ultra thick] (-19,0)--(19,0) node[right]{$x$};
\draw[->,ultra thick] (0,-19)--(0,19) node[above]{$y$};

上面的 MWE 注释了您 MWE 中未在此处使用的所有库和样式定义。此外,为了集中精力于图表,使用的是standalone文档类,它仅显示图像(而不是整个页面)。

书写角度标签时也存在细微差别。为此,我们定义了新样式(\myangle),以缩短代码。绘制方式与 相同\pic,因此您的方法中使用的线条不再可见。


