
\usepackage{tikz,tkz-tab,moreverb} % tableau de signe moreverb not needed
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\usepackage[final]{pdfpages} %pour inserer une page pdf
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % pagestyle
%---- Dimensions des marges ---
%----New Structure Exercice -----
\newtheoremstyle{sboxexc}% name of the style to be used
  {\topsep}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
  {\topsep}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
  {\itshape}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
  {0pt}%  of space to indent
  {\bfseries}% name of head font
  {}% punctuation between head and body
  { }% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
  {\thmname{#1}}% Manually specify head
%\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{Exercice \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}}
\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{Exercice \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}\\}
%\newcommand{\exo}[2][]{\renewcommand{\optionaltext}{#2}\begin{Exc}\normalfont $\:$} %Return to line with itemize
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin entete%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Gestion de Mahdia
      \small{\textbf{Université de xxxxxxxxx} }             % Université
      \hfill A.U. : 2020-2021 \\                 % année
    \small{ {\large{F}}aculté des {\large{S}}ciences {\large{\'E}}conomiques et de {\large{G}}estion de {\large{M}}xxxxx   }            % institut
      \hfill \textbf{Module : xxxxxxxx} \\    % section et module
      \small{\textbf{Département des xxxxxxxxxxx}   }           % Université
      \hfill \ding{43} Section : xxxxx}              % année
\section*{{\shadowbox{\ding{45} Série N°{\huge1}: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}}}
%--------------------------end entete----------------------------------------------------







\usepackage{fancybox} %pour faire l'encadrement
%---- Dimensions des marges ---

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin entete%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Gestion de Mahdia

  \textbf{Université de xxxxxxxxx} \\
  {\large F}aculté des {\large S}ciences {\large \'E}conomiques 
  et de {\large G}estion de {\large M}xxxxx \\
  \textbf{Département des xxxxxxxxxxx}
  A.U. : 2020-2021 \\
  \vphantom{\large \'E}\textbf{Module : xxxxxxxx} \\
  \ding{43} Section : xxxxx
}% end of top row
\shadowbox{\Large\ding{45} \bfseries S\'erie N°{\huge1}: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
%--------------------------end entete----------------------------------------------------






无关babel-french 的 'francais' 选项已过时。请使用。另外,如果您使用的是较新版本的 latex,则french无需加载:现在是默认设置,您可以直接输入, 而不是。另外,不要忘记加载字体编码以获得正确的连字符。inputenctf8É\'ET1

\usepackage{tikz,tkz-tab} % tableau de signe moreverb not needed,moreverb
\usepackage{pifont} %bouni
\usepackage{fancybox} %pour faire l'encadrement
\usepackage[final]{pdfpages} %pour inserer une page pdf
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % pagestyle
%---- Dimensions des marges ---
%----New Structure Exercice -----
\newtheoremstyle{sboxexc}% name of the style to be used
  {\topsep}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
  {\topsep}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
  {\itshape}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
  {0pt}% of space to indent
  {\bfseries}% name of head font
  {}% punctuation between head and body
  { }% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
  {\thmname{#1}}% Manually specify head
%\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{Exercice \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}}
\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{Exercice \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}\\}
%\newcommand{\exo}[2][]{\renewcommand{\optionaltext}{#2}\begin{Exc}\normalfont $\:$} %Return to line with itemize

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin entete%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Gestion de Mahdia
{\centering\small \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth} {@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lcr@{}}
\textbf{Université de xxxxxxxxx} & & A.U. : 2020-2021 \\ % année
{\large F}aculté des {\large S}ciences {\large É}conomiques et de {\large G}estion de {\large M}xxxxx & \raisebox{-0.4\height}[0pt][0pt]{\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{zwinkern}}& \textbf{Module : xxxxxxxx}\\
\textbf{Département des xxxxxxxxxxx} & & \ding{43} Section : xxxxx
%--------------------------end entete----------------------------------------------------

\section*{{\shadowbox{\ding{45} Série N°{\huge1}: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}}}








徽标的高度为 3 条基线,以匹配两个文本。可以通过添加偏移量(现在设置为 5pt)水平(或垂直)滚动徽标。请注意,文本行的正确对齐方式不会因徽标的位置或大小而改变,因为它们都是独立的框。

\usepackage{tikz,tkz-tab,moreverb} % tableau de signe moreverb not needed
\usepackage{pifont} %bouni
\usepackage{fancybox} %pour faire l'encadrement
\usepackage[final]{pdfpages} %pour inserer une page pdf
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % pagestyle
%---- Dimensions des marges ---
%----New Structure Exercice -----
\newtheoremstyle{sboxexc}% name of the style to be used
{\topsep}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{\topsep}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{\itshape}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
{0pt}%  of space to indent
{\bfseries}% name of head font
{}% punctuation between head and body
{ }% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
{\thmname{#1}}% Manually specify head
%\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{Exercice \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}}
\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{Exercice \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}\\}
%\newcommand{\exo}[2][]{\renewcommand{\optionaltext}{#2}\begin{Exc}\normalfont $\:$} %Return to line with itemize

\usepackage{xcoffins}  % added


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin entete%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Gestion de Mahdia
%   \SetVerticalCoffin\Framex{\textwidth}{\phantom{x}} % an empty box \textwidth wide
\SetHorizontalCoffin\Framex{} % an empty box \

    \small{\textbf{Université de xxxxxxxxx} } \newline   % Université
    \small{ {\large{F}}aculté des {\large{S}}ciences {\large{\'E}}conomiques et de {\large{G}}estion de {\large{M}}xxxxx }   % institut 
    \small{\textbf{Département des xxxxxxxxxxx}   } % Université

\SetVerticalCoffin\Logox{0.15\textwidth}{\includegraphics[height=3\baselineskip, keepaspectratio]{example-grid-100x100pt}}

    A.U. : 2020-2021 
        \textbf{Module : xxxxxxxx}    % section et module 
    \ding{43} Section : xxxxx            % année
\JoinCoffins*\Framex[\LeftUniv-r,\LeftUniv-vc]\Logox[l,vc](5pt,0pt)  % X Y offsets. Use to displace the logo <--->


%      \small{\textbf{Université de xxxxxxxxx} }             % Université
%      \hfill A.U. : 2020-2021 \\                 % année
%    \small{ {\large{F}}aculté des {\large{S}}ciences {\large{\'E}}conomiques et de {\large{G}}estion de {\large{M}}xxxxx   }            % institut
%      \hfill \textbf{Module : xxxxxxxx} \\    % section et module
%      \small{\textbf{Département des xxxxxxxxxxx}   }           % Université
%      \hfill \ding{43} Section : xxxxx}              % année
\section*{{\shadowbox{\ding{45} Série N°{\huge1}: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}}}
%--------------------------end entete----------------------------------------------------

