Mendeley 中的多个 URL

Mendeley 中的多个 URL


我经常会为同一个 Mendeley 参考文献保存多个 URL,例如,一个链接到一篇论文,另一个链接到其视频,这样我只需在 Mendeley 中单击它即可轻松找到它。我还希望在草稿/演示文稿中拥有所有这些链接,以便读者也可以这样做。


  1. 我在 Mendeley 中找不到note最常用文档类型(会议论文集、期刊文章和通用)的可用字段。
  2. 我无法使用 Mendeley 中单击打开的简单功能
  3. 如果我尝试将每个都更改urlnote

因此,如何对一个 bibtex 参考文献使用多个 URL?是没有用的。例如,执行以下操作无济于事。任何自动化处理这个问题的方法很棒。

  title =   "Gerris: {A} Tree-Based Adaptive Solver For The
         Incompressible Euler Equations In Complex Geometries",
  author =  "St Ephane Popinet",
  year =    "2002",
  month =   sep # "~08",
  abstract =    "An adaptive mesh projection method for the
         time-dependent incompressible Euler equations is
         presented. The domain is spatially discretised using
         quad/octrees and a multilevel Poisson solver is used to
         obtain the pressure. Complex solid boundaries are
         represented using a volume-of-fluid approach.
         Second-order convergence in space and time is
         demonstrated on regular, statically and dynamically
         refined grids. The quad/octree discretisation proves to
         be very flexible and allows accurate and efficient
         tracking of flow features. The source code of the
         method implementation is freely available.",
  citeseer-references = "oai:CiteSeerPSU:500259; oai:CiteSeerPSU:27423;
         oai:CiteSeerPSU:16254; oai:CiteSeerPSU:395363;
         oai:CiteSeerPSU:436925; oai:CiteSeerPSU:90307;
         oai:CiteSeerPSU:391348; oai:CiteSeerPSU:137987;
         oai:CiteSeerPSU:442611; oai:CiteSeerPSU:44620;
         oai:CiteSeerPSU:150038; oai:CiteSeerPSU:433875;
         oai:CiteSeerPSU:441861; oai:CiteSeerPSU:526586",
  bibsource =   "OAI-PMH server at",
  language =    "en",
  oai =     "oai:CiteSeerPSU:562256",
  rights =  "unrestricted",
  URL =     "",

\def\url#1{\@URL#1 \@nil}
\def\@URL#1 #2\@nil{\URL{#1}\ifx\relax#2\relax \else; \url{#2\relax}\fi}




