\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X |}
\multicolumn{2}{| p{\dimexpr\textwidth-2\tabcolsep-2\arrayrulewidth} |}{\slshape\textbf{Declaration}: The project will be conducted in compliance with the University's Research
Integrity Framework (P1415-956). This includes securing appropriate consent from
participants, minimizing the potential for harm, and compliance with data-protection, safety
\& other legal obligations. Any significant change in the purpose, design or conduct of the
research will be reported to the SOM-REC Chair, and, if appropriate, a new request for
ethical approval will be made to the SOM-REC.} \\
\textbf{Signature of PGT Student} & Date \\
& \\
\textbf{Signature of Supervisor} & Date \\
& \\
\textbf{Decision of Supervisor} & Approved or requires full ethical review \par (Delete as appropriate) \\
\textbf{Decision of SOM-REC} & Date \\
& \\
\textbf{Signature of SOM-REC Chair or SOM-REC Deputy Chair} & Date \\
& \\
SOM-REC Reference Number (office use only) & \\