

我在文本中引用图表时遇到了一个奇怪的问题。编译后的 PDF 中的红色方框显示,图表的链接已建立。但红色方框中显示的是问号而不是图表编号。有人能帮我解决这个问题吗?

PDF 快照在这里: 在此处输入图片描述

代码如下(我使用 \usepackage{caption} 来抑制标题中的图形编号,我交换了 \caption 和 \label 的顺序,但没有帮助):

    \item[ideal market theorem:] the ideal market picture consists of an uptrend, top, downtrend, and bottom (figure~\ref{fig:DowIdealMarketPicture}), interspersed with retracements and consolidations, the purpose of the ideal market picture is to provide a generalized model of the stock market's price behavior over time, it presumes that prices \underline{oscillate} over long periods based on the accumulated \underline{emotion} of investors as well as the facts of the \underline{business cycle}
            \caption*{figure 2.1 the Dow theory ideal market picture}


包标题警告:\label 在输入行 150 上没有正确的引用。请参阅标题包文档以获取解释。








    \item[ideal market theorem:] the ideal market picture consists of an uptrend, 
    top, downtrend, and bottom (figure~\ref{fig:DowIdealMarketPicture}), interspersed 
    with retracements and consolidations, the purpose of the ideal market picture is 
    to provide a generalized model of the stock market's price behavior over time, it 
    presumes that prices \underline{oscillate} over long periods based on the 
    accumulated \underline{emotion} of investors as well as the facts of the 
    \underline{business cycle}
      \includegraphics[width = .5\linewidth]{example-image}
      \caption*{figure 2.1 the Dow theory ideal market picture}


请注意如何\setrefnumber{<whatever>}放置在环境的顶部figure,以便\reference 超链接跳转到图的顶部。
