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        \frametitle{Sample Characteristics}
        \begin{table} [!tbh]
        \caption{Baseline Balance}
        \begin{tabular}{l c c c}
        & \textbf{Control} & \textbf{Treatment} & \textbf{t-test Difference}\\ 
        & \textbf{(N=754)} & \textbf{(N=771)} & \textbf{(1)-(2)}\\
        Female  & 0.82  & 0.81  & 0.00\\& (0.01) & (0.01)\\
        Age & 35.59 & 36.37 & -0.78\\
        & (0.46) &  (0.54)\\
        Belongs to scheduled/backward   & 0.47  & 0.45 & 0.02\\
        caste or tribe  & (0.02) &  (0.02)\\
        Married &   0.81 & 0.85 & -0.05**\\
        & (0.01) &  (0.01)\\
        Hindu & 0.76 &  0.78 &  -0.02\\
        & (0.02)     & (0.02)\\
        Household members & 5.01 &  4.97 &  0.04\\
        & (0.08) &  (0.09)\\
        Unemployed &    0.33 & 0.32 & 0.01\\
        & (0.02)     & (0.027)\\
        No education & 0.22 & 0.22 & 0.00\\
        & (0.02)    & (0.02)    \\
        Completed primary education & 0.20  & 0.21  & 0.00\\
        & (0.02)    & (0.01)    \\
        Completed secondary education & 0.36 &  0.39 &  -0.03\\
        & (0.02) &  (0.02)\\
        Completed tertiary education &  0.21 &  0.19 &  0.02\\
        & (0.02)     & (0.01)\\
        Past-month income & 17968.91 & 13262.10 & 4706.80\\
        & (3941.90) & (1754.74)\\
        Past-month savings & 7381.29 & 7933.16 & -551.87\\
        & (1211.84) & (1168.38)\\
        Past-month temptation spending (INR) &  128.06 &    126.14 & 1.92\\
        & (23.11) & (16.84) \\
        Temptation index &  1.47 &  1.44 &  0.03\\
        & (0.03) &  (0.02)\\
        Self-efficacy index & 6.12 &    6.15 &  -0.03\\
        & (0.09)    & (0.09)    \\
        Female empowerment index &  0.02 &  -0.02 & 0.04\\
        & (0.04) &  (0.04)\\
        Outstanding debt & 8810.23  & 10651.75 & -1841.52\\
        & (1994.31) & (2736.34)\\
        Past-month household expenditures  & 5088.60    & 5491.69   & -403.09\\
        (for selected goods) & (398.14) & (435.67)\\
        Resilience index &  0.27 & 0.28 & -0.01\\
        & (0.02) &  (0.02)\\
        F-test of joint significance (F-stat) & & & 0.765\\
        F-test, number of observations & & & 1525\\

