将 wrapfigure 放在以下段落旁边

将 wrapfigure 放在以下段落旁边


在以下 Pandoc 示例中,我希望图片紧挨着职业/驾驶/理智的支柱部分;相反,它会显示在看过欧洲之后...部分。


# Clarence Merriweather


* Occupation: Professor
* Drive: Scholarship
* Pillars of Sanity:
  * Positivism: the world can be understood via science
  * Enlightenment will prevail over primitive barbarism
  * The world changes, but I'll always have the family house in Abingdon

After seeing Europe sink into the death cult that was the Great War,
Prof. Merriweather, himself spared of experiencing combat first-hand
by his academic standing and his asthma, decided to leave his faculty
position in Oxford to pursue a new career in NYU. 

His interest in primitive cultures and the occult is purely
academical. He is happy to lend his expertise to the FBI to help with
cases involving "crazies who imitate the primitive savages".




我不知道 pandoc 的 markdown(?) 和 LaTeX 输入之间到底发生了什么,但 wrapfigure 拒绝被放在列表中。“立即”开始的答案是

\indent \vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}\par


此外,wrapfigure 的内容上方有一个空白边框,因此它不会接触上方的文本。要使图像从该行开始,您应该撤消 wrapfigure 内的边框。总共(实际上是“部分”)

# Clarence Merriweather


\indent \vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}\par
* Occupation: Professor
* Drive: Scholarship


我不熟悉 pandoc,但在 LaTeX 代码(由 pandoc 产生)中,代码应该是这样的:



\section*{Clarence Merriweather} % this is LaTeX emulation of pandoc
\item Occupation: Professor
\item Drive: Scholarship
\item Pillars of Sanity:
  \item Positivism: the world can be understood via science
  \item Enlightenment will prevail over primitive barbarism
  \item The world changes, but I'll always have the family house in Abingdon
\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.3\textwidth} % <--- had to be inserted here
\includegraphics[height=\linewidth, % in real document remove this option
After seeing Europe sink into the death cult that was the Great War,
Prof. Merriweather, himself spared of experiencing combat first-hand
by his academic standing and his asthma, decided to leave his faculty
position in Oxford to pursue a new career in NYU.

His interest in primitive cultures and the occult is purely
academical. He is happy to lend his expertise to the FBI to help with
cases involving ''crazies who imitate the primitive savages''.





不幸的是,wrapfig 不适用于 itemize。一个可能的解决方案是将列表封装在和中minipage,而不是wrapfigure使用\InsertBoxR普通 TeX 宏包中的定义insbox

\input{insbox}%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TeX macro, very useful


\section*{Clarence Merriweather}

    \includegraphics[height=0.4\linewidth, % in real document remove this option
                     width =0.3\linewidth]{example-image-duck}%{portrait.jpg}
\setlist[itemize]{topsep=0pt, itemsep=0.2ex, leftmargin=*}
\item Occupation: Professor
\item Drive: Scholarship
\item Pillars of Sanity:
    \item Positivism: the world can be understood via science
    \item Enlightenment will prevail over primitive barbarism
    \item The world changes, but I'll always have the family house in Abingdon
After seeing Europe sink into the death cult that was the Great War,
Prof. Merriweather, himself spared of experiencing combat first-hand
by his academic standing and his asthma, decided to leave his faculty
position in Oxford to pursue a new career in NYU.

His interest in primitive cultures and the occult is purely
academical. He is happy to lend his expertise to the FBI to help with
cases involving ''crazies who imitate the primitive savages''.




我越来越喜欢用 paracol 代替 wrapfig。它更加健壮,但需要手动分段落(\nopar\noindent)。




\section*{Clarence Merriweather}

\setcolumnwidth{\dimexpr 0.7\textwidth-\columnsep}% right column is 0.3\textwidth
\item Occupation: Professor
\item Drive: Scholarship
\item Pillars of Sanity:
    \item Positivism: the world can be understood via science
    \item Enlightenment will prevail over primitive barbarism
    \item The world changes, but I'll always have the family house in Abingdon

After seeing Europe sink into the death cult that was the Great War,
Prof. Merriweather, himself spared of experiencing combat first-hand
by his academic\nopar
\includegraphics[height=2.5in, % in real document remove this option
\noindent standing and his asthma, decided to leave his faculty
position in Oxford to pursue a new career in NYU

His interest in primitive cultures and the occult is purely
academical. He is happy to lend his expertise to the FBI to help with
cases involving ''crazies who imitate the primitive savages''.
