我希望我的前言只出现在奇数页上。这应该包括目录。我之前见过一个解决方案(目录仅在右侧页面上)但如果您的内容页面包含超过 2 页,则此方法无效。下面是失败的一个例子……
\usepackage[a4paper,twoside,top=2cm, bottom=2cm, outer=2cm, inner=4cm]{geometry}
您可以使用 paracol 在两页上各放置一列。如果没有保存框,目录直到第 6 页才会显示。
\usepackage[a4paper,twoside,top=2cm, bottom=2cm, outer=2cm, inner=4cm]{geometry}
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.
You need at least one line of text.