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\fancyhead[L]{MS Exchange User Manual} % левый верхний колонтитул
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\subsubsection*{About this Guide}
    Thank you for selecting Www Backup for MS. Www ensures that your organization’s data is well protected and always available for swift restore to keep your business operational and your employees productive. We empower end users to correct their own mistakes, and give application administrators, IT leadership and audit teams the confidence and proof that your data is appropriately backed up, safe and ready for recovery. Www strives to build real relationships with our customers and deliver exceptional service. 
    We hope this User Guide will help your organization to utilize cloud advancements, aimed at preventing critical business data loss. Our mission is to develop & support advanced software, and to provide better service to our customers. If you ever have a question or need additional help, please contact us at \href{[email protected]}{[email protected]} or search our Knowledge Base at \href{https://support.www.com}{https://support.www.com}.

    This guide is intended for individuals who administer www Backup for MS.
\subsection*{What’s in this Guide }
    This guide is organized to help you find the information you need to manage www Backup for MS. It is divided into functional parts intended to support you as you manage your environment.

    To administer the www Backup for MS environment, the following is required:
    \item Microsoft for Business 
    \item Global Administrator account in Microsoft online services (Microsoft, SharePoint Online or Microsoft Azure)
    \item www Backup for MS subscription 

\section*{Create and Access Your www Account}
\subsection*{Sign Up/Sign In from the Www Home Page }
    \item In your Internet browser open \href{www.www.com}{www.www.com} and click \textbf{Log In} link.

    The \textsl{Sign In} page is displayed. 

    \item Click \textbf{Don't have an account link.}

    The \textsl{Sign Up} page is displayed. 

\includegraphics[width=380]{Www/Screenshots/Sign up for 14 Day Free Trial.png}

    \item Fill-in the form and click the \textbf{SIGN UP} button.
\begin{mybox}{red}[left=1.07cm, right=1.11cm]
    \textbf{Note}: In addition to the primary AWS data centers available in the dropdown menu "Location", we also offer a “Bring Your Own Storage” (BYOS) option on request. This allows you to store backups in your own AWS S3 buckets, S3 compatible storage service, Azure or Google Cloud Platform. Please contact \href{[email protected]}{[email protected]} for more information.

    \item Your trial account is created and an email containing your activation link is sent to your email address. Click on the activation link contained in the email you receive, to activate your account. If you sign up with Google, Azure, Okta the activation link will not be sent to you.
    \item Once your account is activated, you are redirected to the Www login page. Enter your email address/password and click the \textbf{SIGN IN} button to login and access your Www account.


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