node distance = 4mm and 6mm,
start chain = going right,
base/.style = {draw, fill=white},
block/.style = {base, minimum height=2em, minimum width=3em},
sum/.style = {base, circle, node contents={}},
arr/.style = {ultra thick, -{Latex[length=5pt, width=6pt]}},
every edge/.style = {draw, -Latex},
% We start by placing the blocks in chain
\begin{scope}[nodes={on chain}]
\coordinate (in);
%\node (n1) [block] {$K_p$};
\node (n2) [sum];
\node (n3) [block] {$B$};
\node (n4) [sum];
\node (n5) [block] {$1/s$};
\coordinate (n6);
\coordinate (n7);
\node (n8) [block] {$C$};
\coordinate (out);
\path (in) edge["$r$"] (n2)
%(n1) edge[near end,"+"] (n2)
(n2) edge["$u$"] (n3)
(n3) edge[arr,near end,"+"] (n4)
(n4) edge[arr,"$\dot{\mathbf{x}}$"] (n5)
(n5) edge[arr,"$\mathbf{x}$"] (n8)
(n8) edge[arr,"$\mathbf{y}$"] (out);
% Block in backloops
\node (n11) [block, below=of n5] {$A$};
\node (n12) [block, below=of n11] {$K$};
\draw[arr] (n6) |- (n11);
\draw[arr] (n11) -| (n4) node[below right] {$+$};
\draw[arr] (n7) |- (n12);
\draw[-Latex] (n12) -| (n2) node[below right] {$-$};
\caption{Closed-loop control system with \(u = \boldsymbol{-Kx}\)} \label{fig7}
inner sep=3pt,
outer sep=0,
node distance=2em,
block/.style = {draw, minimum height=2em, minimum width=1.2em, fill=gray, fill opacity=.5, text opacity=1},
sum/.style = {draw, circle, fill=gray, fill opacity=.5},
ar/.style = {-{Latex[length=5pt, width=6pt]}},
arr/.style = {ultra thick, -{Latex[length=5pt, width=6pt]}},
\pgfdeclarelayer{background layer}
\pgfsetlayers{background layer,main}
\coordinate (in) at (0,0);
\node (nw) [above left=of in] {};
\node (sum1) [right=of in, sum] {};
\node at (sum1) [anchor=south east] {$+$};
\node at (sum1) [anchor=north west] {$-$};
\draw [ar] (in) -- (sum1) node [near start, above] {$r$};
\node (B1) [right=of sum1, block] {$B$};
\draw [ar] (sum1) -- (B1) node [midway, above] {$u$} node [near start] (bifB2) {};
\node (sum2) [right=of B1, sum] {};
\node at (sum2) [anchor=south east] {$+$};
\node at (sum2) [anchor=north west] {$+$};
\draw [arr] (B1) -- (sum2);
\node (S1) [right=of sum2, block] {$\frac{1}{s}$};
\draw [ar] (sum2) -- (S1) node [midway, above] {$\dot{\mathbf{x}}$};
\node (bifA1) [right=of S1] {};
\node (C1) [right=of bifA1, block] {$C$};
\draw [arr] (S1) -- (C1) node [near end, above] {$\mathbf{x}$};
\node (A1) [below=of S1, block] {$A$};
\draw [arr] (bifA1.center) |- (A1);
\draw [arr] (A1) -| (sum2);
\node (bifsumII3) [right=of C1] {};
\node (out) [right=of bifsumII3] {};
\draw [arr] (C1) -- (out) node [near end, above] {$\mathbf{y}$};
\node (K1) [below=of A1, block] {$K$};
\draw [ar] (K1) -| (sum1);
\node (S2) [below=of K1, block] {$\frac{1}{s}$};
\node (sumII2) [left=of S2, sum] {};
\node at (sumII2) [anchor=south east] {$+$};
\node at (sumII2) [anchor=north west] {$+$};
\draw [arr] (sumII2) -- (S2) node [midway, above] {$\hat{\mathbf{x}}$};
\node (sumII1) [left=of sumII2, sum] {};
\node at (sumII1) [anchor=south east] {$+$};
\node at (sumII1) [anchor=north west] {$+$};
\draw [arr] (sumII1) -- (sumII2);
\node (B2) [left=of sumII1, block] {$B$};
\draw [arr] (B2) -- (sumII1);
\draw [ar] (bifB2.center) |- (nw.center) |- (B2);
\node (C2) [block] at (S2-|C1) {$C$};
\draw [arr] (S2) -- (C2) node [near end, above] {$\hat{\mathbf{x}}$};
\node (sumII3) [sum] at (C2-|bifsumII3) {};
\node at (sumII3) [anchor=south west] {$-$};
\node at (sumII3) [anchor=north east] {$+$};
\draw [arr] (C2) -- (sumII3) node [midway, above] {$\hat{\mathbf{y}}$};
\draw [arr] (bifsumII3.center) -- (sumII3);
\node (olp) [above=of B1, anchor=west] {open-loop plant};
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background layer}
\node [draw, inner sep=6pt, fit=(olp) (B1) (C1) (A1), fill=gray, fill opacity=.3] {};
\node (A2) [below=of S2, block] {$A$};
\draw [arr] (S2-|bifA1) |- (A2);
\draw [arr] (A2) -| (sumII2);
\draw [arr] (S2-|bifA1) |- (K1);
\node (L2) [below=of A2, block] {$L$};
\draw [arr] (sumII3) |- (L2);
\draw [arr] (L2) -| (sumII1);
\node (owpm) [below=of B2|-L2, anchor=west] {observer with perfect model};
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background layer}
\node [draw, inner sep=6pt, fit=(owpm) (B2) (sumII3) (L2), fill=gray, fill opacity=.3] {};
\caption{Closed-loop control system with \(u = \boldmath{-Kx}\)} \label{fig7}