在表格 Latex 中均匀分布列

在表格 Latex 中均匀分布列


\caption{Explanatory regressions}
\label{tab:OOPS exp week}
\footnotesize Table VI presents the coefficients (p-values, calculated with Newey-West 
standard errors, are in square brackets) and the adjusted $R^{2}$ estimated in the 
explanatory regressions. The dependent variable is the weekly OOPS excess returns, and the 
independent variable is presented in the column 'Variable'. ** and *** indicate significance 
the 5.00\% and 1.00\% levels, respectively. The estimation period is between January 2012 
and December 2019, which translates to 416 observations.}}\\ 
& OOPS excess returns & & & &
Variables & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
$r_{S\&P 500}-rf$ & 0.2825 & & & \\
& [13.10\%] & & & \\
$JUMP$ & & 0.9031 & & \\
& & [7.50\%] & & \\
$\Delta RV$ & & & 0.6697 & \\
& & & [8.30\%] & \\
$\Delta VIX$ & & & & -0.0005 \\
& & & & [74.20\%] \\
$\overline{R^{2}}$ & 0.90\% & 1.90\% & 1.10\% & -0.20\% \\

我曾尝试实现 tabularx 环境,但没有成功。





\caption{Explanatory regressions\strut}  \label{tab:OOPSexpweek}

\begin{tabular}{@{} l cccc @{}}
Variables & \multicolumn{4}{c@{}}{OOPS excess returns} \\
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
$r^{}_{\mathrm{S\&P 500}}-\mathit{rf}$ & 0.2825  \\
& [13.10\%]     \\ 
$\mathit{JUMP}$ & & 0.9031  \\
& & [7.50\%]    \\ 
$\Delta \mathit{RV}$ & & & 0.6697 \\
& & & [8.30\%]  \\ 
$\Delta \mathit{VIX}$ & & & & $-$0.0005 \\
& & & & [74.20\%] \\ \addlinespace
$\bar{R}^{2}$ & $0.009$ & $0.019$ & $0.011$ & $-0.002$ \\


\medskip\noindent \small
Table \ref{tab:OOPSexpweek} presents the coefficients---$p$-values, 
calculated with Newey-Weststandard errors, are in square brackets---and 
the adjusted $\bar{R}^{2}$ statistics from four explanatory regressions. 
The dependent variable is the weekly OOPS excess returns, and the 
independent variables are listed in the column `Variables'. **~and *** 
indicate significance at the 5\% and 1\% levels, respectively. The 
estimation period is January 2012 and December 2019; the number of 
observations is~416.


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\caption{Explanatory regressions\strut}  \label{tab:OOPSexpweek}

This table presents the coefficients---$p$-values, 
calculated with Newey-West standard errors, are in square brackets---and 
the adjusted $\bar{R}^{2}$ statistics from four explanatory regressions. 
The dependent variable is the weekly OOPS excess returns, and the 
independent variables are listed in the column `Variables'. **~and *** 
indicate significance at the 5\% and 1\% levels, respectively. The 
estimation period is January 2012 and December 2019; the number of 
observations is~416.

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l cccc }
Variables & \multicolumn{4}{c}{OOPS excess returns} \\
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
$r^{}_{\mathrm{S\&P 500}}-\mathit{rf}$ & 0.2825  \\
& [13.10\%]     \\ 
$\mathit{JUMP}$ & & 0.9031  \\
& & [7.50\%]    \\ 
$\Delta \mathit{RV}$ & & & 0.6697 \\
& & & [8.30\%]  \\ 
$\Delta \mathit{VIX}$ & & & & $-$0.0005 \\
& & & & [74.20\%] \\ \addlinespace
$\bar{R}^{2}$ & $0.009$ & $0.019$ & $0.011$ & $-0.002$ \\

