![如何为 Springer \documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} 格式添加 ORCID ID 图标?](https://linux22.com/image/426219/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E4%B8%BA%20Springer%20%5Cdocumentclass%5Btwocolumn%5D%7Bsvjour3%7D%20%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F%E6%B7%BB%E5%8A%A0%20ORCID%20ID%20%E5%9B%BE%E6%A0%87%EF%BC%9F.png)
似乎将 ORCID ID ICON 添加到 Springer \documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} 格式与 IEEE 格式不同。我尝试了几种方法,但无法解决。有人能帮我解决以下代码并演示如何在作者姓名旁边添加 ORCID ID ICON 吗?这是我的 MWE:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file template.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is a general template file for the LaTeX package SVJour3
% for Springer journals. Springer Heidelberg 2010/09/16
% Copy it to a new file with a new name and use it as the basis
% for your article. Delete % signs as needed.
% This template includes a few options for different layouts and
% content for various journals. Please consult a previous issue of
% your journal as needed.
% First comes an example EPS file -- just ignore it and
% proceed on the \documentclass line
% your LaTeX will extract the file if required
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: 19 19 221 221
%%CreationDate: Mon Sep 29 1997
%%Creator: programmed by hand (JK)
20 20 moveto
20 220 lineto
220 220 lineto
220 20 lineto
2 setlinewidth
.4 setgray fill
%\documentclass{svjour3} % onecolumn (standard format)
%\documentclass[smallcondensed]{svjour3} % onecolumn (ditto)
%\documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3} % onecolumn (second format)
\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3} % twocolumn
\smartqed % flush right qed marks, e.g. at end of proof
\usepackage{mathptmx} % use Times fonts if availab
% etc.
% please place your own definitions here and don't use \def but
% \newcommand{}{}
% Insert the name of "your journal" with
% \journalname{myjournal}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%burada itibaren ekledim%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\algdef{SE}[DOWHILE]{Do}{doWhile}{\algorithmicdo}[1]{\algorithmicwhile\ #1}%
% fnpct instead of footmisc:
% patch \maketitle:
\newcommand*{\affaddr}[1]{#1} % No op here. Customize it for different styles.
\title{Title of the Article}
Author 1 Name Surname \protect\affmark[1, 2] \and Author 2 Name Surname\affmark[1]
\authorrunning{Esra Yeniaras \and Murat Cenk}
%\authorrunning{Short form of author list} % if too long for running head
\Letter $ ~~~$Author 1 Name Surname \\
[email protected] \\ \\ % \\
% \emph{Present address:} of F. Author % if needed
$~~~~~~~$ Author 2 Name Surname \at
$~~~~~~~$ [email protected]\\ \\
$~~~~~$ \affaddr{\affmark[1] Institution 1, Colorado,USA}\\ \\
$~~~~~$ \affaddr{\affmark[2] Instituton 2 , Ontario, CANADA}\\
%\affaddr{\LaTeX\ University}%
\date{Received: date / Accepted: date}
% The correct dates will be entered by the editor
\keywords{bla1 \and bla2 \and bla3 bla1 \and bla2 \and bla3.bla1 \and bla2 \and bla3.bla3.bla1 \and bla2 \and bla3 \and bla3.bla3.bla1 \and bla2 \and bla3}