biblatex:在实例级别控制 ibid

biblatex:在实例级别控制 ibid





\noindent or from socio-political pressures (cf.\ \citealp[45]{chandler2007a}; 
\citealp[27]{fontana2003a}). A~general pattern is noticed in a given social context: as a 
culture increases in longevity, there is a tendency to regard the beliefs of previous 
generations as being \emph{archaic} or \emph{superstitious}. Their symbols are rationalized and 
sanitized, interpreted literally or simply abandoned altogether by the next cultural elite. 
Deprived of their context, such symbols diminish in power and have to be rediscovered afresh 



  author = {Fontana, David},
  year = {2003},
  title = {The Secret Language of Symbols: A Visual Key to Symbols and their Meanings},
  publisher = {Chronicle Books LLC},
  address = {San Francisco},
  author = {Chandler, Daniel},
  year = {2007},
  title = {Semiotics: The Basics},
  publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group},
  address = {London, New York},

这使: 在此处输入图片描述

本文作者抱怨说同上。含糊不清。严格来说,Fontana 是最后提到的作者,由于钱德勒 (Chandler) 和丰塔纳 (Fontana) 的名字出现在同一个括号中,当眼睛向上翻六行去寻找最后的引文时,会产生疑问,这足以减慢阅读速度。






\noindent or from socio-political pressures (cf.\ \citealp[45]{chandler2007a};
\citealp[27]{fontana2003a}). A~general pattern is noticed in a given social context: as a
culture increases in longevity, there is a tendency to regard the beliefs of previous
generations as being \emph{archaic} or \emph{superstitious}. Their symbols are rationalized and
sanitized, interpreted literally or simply abandoned altogether by the next cultural elite.
Deprived of their context, such symbols diminish in power and have to be rediscovered afresh




Ulrike 已经向您展示了如何使用 手动抑制“ibid.”\mancite但在这种情况下,如果您使用单个命令生成第一个引用括号,则实际上不必这样做biblatex

(cf.\ \citealp[45]{chandler2007a}; \citealp[27]{fontana2003a})






\usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true,
  maxcitenames=4, mincitenames=1,

  author    = {Fontana, David},
  year      = {2003},
  title     = {The Secret Language of Symbols},
  subtitle  = {A Visual Key to Symbols and their Meanings},
  publisher = {Chronicle Books LLC},
  address   = {San Francisco},
  author    = {Chandler, Daniel},
  year      = {2007},
  title     = {Semiotics: The Basics},
  publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group},
  address   = {London, New York},

\noindent or from socio-political pressures \parencites[cf.][45]{chandler2007a}[27]{fontana2003a}.
A~general pattern is noticed in a given social context: as a 
culture increases in longevity, there is a tendency to regard the beliefs of previous 
generations as being \emph{archaic} or \emph{superstitious}. Their symbols are rationalized and 
sanitized, interpreted literally or simply abandoned altogether by the next cultural elite. 
Deprived of their context, such symbols diminish in power and have to be rediscovered afresh 

(参见 Chandler,2007,第 45 页;Fontana,2003,第 27 页)...(Fontana,2003,第 28 页)
