\pgfplotsset{width=14cm,compat=1.14, label style={font=\huge}, tick label style={font=\huge}}
\pgfmathparse{ln(2.506628274631*sqrt(1/#1) + 0.20888568*(1/#1)^(1.5) + 0.00870357*(1/#1)^2.5 - (174.2106599*(1/#1)^3.5)/25920 - (715.6423511*(1/#1)^4.5)/1244160)*(-ln(1/#1)-1)*#1}
no markers, domain=0.01:3.5, samples=300,
axis x line=bottom, axis y line=left,
every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
height=5cm, width=14cm,
xtick={0.01, 3.5}, ytick=\empty,
enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
xticklabels={0, $\infty$}, % so do it manually instead
\addplot [very thick,red, name path=f] {chisq(1)};
% \path[name path=axis](axis cs:0.01,0) -- (axis cs:3.5,0);
%\addplot[thick, color=red, fill=red, fill opacity=0.5] fill between [of=f and axis, soft clip={domain=0.01:3.5},];
但是,当我尝试使用 pdflatex 时,它会产生一个空白页。为什么?如何显示 chisq(1) 图,并将 f(x) 和 x 轴之间的区域用红色阴影显示?
width=14cm, height=5cm,
label style={font=\huge},
tick label style={font=\huge}}
\pgfmathparse{ln(2.506628274631*sqrt(1/#1) + 0.20888568*(1/#1)^(1.5) + 0.00870357*(1/#1)^2.5 - (174.2106599*(1/#1)^3.5)/25920 - (715.6423511*(1/#1)^4.5)/1244160)*(-ln(1/#1)-1)*#1}
axis lines=middle,
axis line style= {-Straight Barb},
axis on top,
extra x ticks={0.01, 3.5},
extra x tick labels={$0$, $\infty$}, % so do it manually instead
no markers,
\addplot[very thick,red, name path=f] {chisq(1)};
\path[name path=axis] (0,0) -- (3.5,0);
\addplot [red, fill opacity=0.5] fill between [of=f and axis];