



Author &
  Year &
  Journal &
  Data from Saudi Arabia &
  Length &
  Frequenzy &
  Methods &
  Results \\ \hline
Butler   and Malaikah &
  1992 &
  Journal of   Banking \& Finance(16) &
  35 stocks from SSE &
  1985-1989 &
  Daily &
  Serial correlation and runs   tests &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Razeen &
  1997 &
  PhD Thesis,   University of Leicester &
  28 stocks from SSE &
  1992-1995 &
  Weekly &
  Serial correlation, runs, and   filter rules tests &
  Low level of weak form   efficiency \\ \hline
Khababa &
  1998 &
  Journal of   Financial Management and Analysis(11) &
  61 stocks from SSE &
  1985-1997 &
  Weekly &
  Autocorrelation and runs tests &
  High level of serial dependence \\ \hline
Dahel and   Laabas &
  1999 &
  Economic   Research Forum for the Arab Countries &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1994-1998 &
  Weekly &
  Augmented Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the variance ratio, and autocorrelation tests &
  Stock index of Saudi Arabia is   characterized by weak form efficiency \\ \hline
Alkholifey &
  2000 &
  PhD Thesis,   Colorado State University &
  Not available &
  Not available &
  Not available &
  Autocorrelation, filter rules,   runs, and the cointegration test &
  Rejection of informationally   efficient market \\ \hline
Abraham   et al. &
  2002 &
  Financial   Review(37) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1992-1998 &
  Weekly &
  Variance ratio and the runs   tests &
  No rejection of random walk   hypothesis \\ \hline
Onour &
  2004 &
  Ministry of   Economy and Planning, Riyadh: Saudi Arabia &
  Saudi Stock index and subindices   of banking and cement &
  2003-2004 &
  Daily &
  Runs and the von Neumann tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Abdulqader   et al. &
  2007 &
  Journal of   Emerging Market Finance(6) &
  45 stocks from SSE &
  1990-2000 &
  Weekly &
  Filter rule test and the moving   average strategy &
  Tendency towards acceptance of   efficient market hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Khazali   et al. &
  2007 &
  The Financial   Review(42) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1994-2003 &
  Weekly &
  Rank, runs, and variance ratio   tests &
  Acceptance of efficient market   hypothesis \\ \hline
Benjelloun   and Squalli &
  2008 &
  International   Journal of Managerial Finance(4) &
  Saudi Stock index and subindices   of agriculture, banking, cement, electricity, industry, and services &
  1990-2006 &
  Weekly &
  Multiple variance ratio test   (RW) and runs test (WFE) &
  No rejection of random walk   hypothesis but rejection of weak form market efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Onour &
  2009 &
  Operations   Research(10) &
  Saudi Stock index, banking   subindex and 3 stocks from SSE &
  2003-2006 &
  Daily &
  Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron,   the KPSS, the variance ratio tests &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis \\ \hline
Abdmoulah &
  2010 &
  International   Review of Financial Analysis(19) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1994-2009 &
  Daily &
  GARCH-M (1,1) methodology along   with state-space time-varying parameters &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Bley &
  2011 &
  Emerging   Markets Review(12) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2000-2009 segmented &
  Daily, weekly, and monthly &
  Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the KPSS, the autocorrelation function, the Ljung-Box   Q-Statistic, the variance ratio test as well as AR, ARMA, and GARCH   models &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis for daily data and some traces of a random walk in individual   subperiods of weekly and monthly data \\ \hline
Al   Ashikh &
  2012 &
  International   Review of Business Research Papers(8) &
  Saudi Stock index, banks and   financial services subindex and 3 stocks from SSE &
  2000-2010 &
  Daily &
  Augmented Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the autocorrelation function, the Ljung-Box Q-Statistic, and   the runs tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Ajmi   and Kim &
  2012 &
  Applied   Economics(44) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1999-2010 &
  Daily and weekly &
  Three multiple variance ratio   tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Budd &
  2012 &
  Journal of   Finance and Accountancy(10) &
  Saudi Stock index and all 15   subindices &
  2007-2011 &
  Daily &
  Variance ratio and runs tests &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis some indication of weak-form efficiency solitary for the banking,   the building, the insurance and the telecommunication sector \\ \hline
Asiri and   Alzeera &
  2013 &
  Research   Journal of Finance and Accounting(4) &
  Saudi Stock index and all 15   subindices &
  2006-2012 segmented &
  Daily &
  Dickey-Fuller, the Pearson   Correlation, the Durbin-Watson, and the Wald-Wolfowitz runs tests &
  The Tadawul All Share Index and   eleven out of fifteen sectors have met the properties of weak-form efficiency   (other than banks and financial services, energy and utilities, insurance,   and building and construction) \\ \hline
Hokroh &
  2013 &
  Asian Journal   of Finance \& Accounting(5) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2007 &
  Daily &
  Autocorrelation and the run   tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Sensoy &
  2013 &
  Physica A(392) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2007-2012 &
  Daily &
  Hurst exponent &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Al   Abdulhadi el al. &
  2015 &
  International   Journal of Business(20) &
  3 stocks from SSE &
  2005-2010 &
  Daily &
  Fractal analysis &
  Two out of three stocks  are not weak form efficient \\ \hline
Jamaani   and Roca &
  2015 &
  Research in   International Business and Finance(33) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2003-2013 &
  Daily &
  Augmented Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the variance ratio, the multiple variance ratio, the runs,   and the Wright tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Arshad et   al. &
  2016 &
  Research in   International Business and Finance(36) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1998-2012 segmented &
  Daily &
  Christiano–Fitzgerald filter and   multifactural de-trended fluctuation analysis &
  Saudi Arabia is ranked in the   midfield comparing weak form marekt efficiency with the other OIC countires \\ \hline
Charfeddine   and Khediri &
  2016 &
  Physica A(444) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2005-2013 &
  Daily &
  GARCH(1,1) model and detrended   fluctuation analysis technique, the modified R/S statistic, the exact local   whittle and the feasible Exact Local Whittle approach &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis (except GARCH(1,1)) \\ \hline
\caption{Market efficiency literature on Tadawul}




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\begin{tabular}{|>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{2cm}| l |
Author &
  Year &
  Journal &
  Data from Saudi Arabia &
  Length &
  Frequenzy &
  Methods &
  Results \\ \hline
Butler   and Malaikah &
  1992 &
  Journal of   Banking \& Finance(16) &
  35 stocks from SSE &
  1985-1989 &
  Daily &
  Serial correlation and runs   tests &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Razeen &
  1997 &
  PhD Thesis,   University of Leicester &
  28 stocks from SSE &
  1992-1995 &
  Weekly &
  Serial correlation, runs, and   filter rules tests &
  Low level of weak form   efficiency \\ \hline
Khababa &
  1998 &
  Journal of   Financial Management and Analysis(11) &
  61 stocks from SSE &
  1985-1997 &
  Weekly &
  Autocorrelation and runs tests &
  High level of serial dependence \\ \hline
Dahel and   Laabas &
  1999 &
  Economic   Research Forum for the Arab Countries &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1994-1998 &
  Weekly &
  Augmented Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the variance ratio, and autocorrelation tests &
  Stock index of Saudi Arabia is   characterized by weak form efficiency \\ \hline
Alkholifey &
  2000 &
  PhD Thesis,   Colorado State University &
  Not available &
  Not available &
  Not available &
  Autocorrelation, filter rules,   runs, and the cointegration test &
  Rejection of informationally   efficient market \\ \hline
Abraham   et al. &
  2002 &
  Financial   Review(37) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1992-1998 &
  Weekly &
  Variance ratio and the runs   tests &
  No rejection of random walk   hypothesis \\ \hline
Onour &
  2004 &
  Ministry of   Economy and Planning, Riyadh: Saudi Arabia &
  Saudi Stock index and subindices   of banking and cement &
  2003-2004 &
  Daily &
  Runs and the von Neumann tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Abdulqader   et al. &
  2007 &
  Journal of   Emerging Market Finance(6) &
  45 stocks from SSE &
  1990-2000 &
  Weekly &
  Filter rule test and the moving   average strategy &
  Tendency towards acceptance of   efficient market hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Khazali   et al. &
  2007 &
  The Financial   Review(42) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1994-2003 &
  Weekly &
  Rank, runs, and variance ratio   tests &
  Acceptance of efficient market   hypothesis \\ \hline
Benjelloun   and Squalli &
  2008 &
  International   Journal of Managerial Finance(4) &
  Saudi Stock index and subindices   of agriculture, banking, cement, electricity, industry, and services &
  1990-2006 &
  Weekly &
  Multiple variance ratio test   (RW) and runs test (WFE) &
  No rejection of random walk   hypothesis but rejection of weak form market efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Onour &
  2009 &
  Operations   Research(10) &
  Saudi Stock index, banking   subindex and 3 stocks from SSE &
  2003-2006 &
  Daily &
  Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron,   the KPSS, the variance ratio tests &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis \\ \hline
Abdmoulah &
  2010 &
  International   Review of Financial Analysis(19) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1994-2009 &
  Daily &
  GARCH-M (1,1) methodology along   with state-space time-varying parameters &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Bley &
  2011 &
  Emerging   Markets Review(12) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2000-2009 segmented &
  Daily, weekly, and monthly &
  Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the KPSS, the autocorrelation function, the Ljung-Box   Q-Statistic, the variance ratio test as well as AR, ARMA, and GARCH   models &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis for daily data and some traces of a random walk in individual   subperiods of weekly and monthly data \\ \hline
Al   Ashikh &
  2012 &
  International   Review of Business Research Papers(8) &
  Saudi Stock index, banks and   financial services subindex and 3 stocks from SSE &
  2000-2010 &
  Daily &
  Augmented Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the autocorrelation function, the Ljung-Box Q-Statistic, and   the runs tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Al-Ajmi   and Kim &
  2012 &
  Applied   Economics(44) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1999-2010 &
  Daily and weekly &
  Three multiple variance ratio   tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Budd &
  2012 &
  Journal of   Finance and Accountancy(10) &
  Saudi Stock index and all 15   subindices &
  2007-2011 &
  Daily &
  Variance ratio and runs tests &
  Rejection of random walk   hypothesis some indication of weak-form efficiency solitary for the banking,   the building, the insurance and the telecommunication sector \\ \hline
Asiri and   Alzeera &
  2013 &
  Research   Journal of Finance and Accounting(4) &
  Saudi Stock index and all 15   subindices &
  2006-2012 segmented &
  Daily &
  Dickey-Fuller, the Pearson   Correlation, the Durbin-Watson, and the Wald-Wolfowitz runs tests &
  The Tadawul All Share Index and   eleven out of fifteen sectors have met the properties of weak-form efficiency   (other than banks and financial services, energy and utilities, insurance,   and building and construction) \\ \hline
Hokroh &
  2013 &
  Asian Journal   of Finance \& Accounting(5) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2007 &
  Daily &
  Autocorrelation and the run   tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Sensoy &
  2013 &
  Physica A(392) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2007-2012 &
  Daily &
  Hurst exponent &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Al   Abdulhadi el al. &
  2015 &
  International   Journal of Business(20) &
  3 stocks from SSE &
  2005-2010 &
  Daily &
  Fractal analysis &
  Two out of three stocks  are not weak form efficient \\ \hline
Jamaani   and Roca &
  2015 &
  Research in   International Business and Finance(33) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2003-2013 &
  Daily &
  Augmented Dickey-Fuller, the   Phillips-Perron, the variance ratio, the multiple variance ratio, the runs,   and the Wright tests &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis \\ \hline
Arshad et   al. &
  2016 &
  Research in   International Business and Finance(36) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  1998-2012 segmented &
  Daily &
  Christiano–Fitzgerald filter and   multifactural de-trended fluctuation analysis &
  Saudi Arabia is ranked in the   midfield comparing weak form marekt efficiency with the other OIC countires \\ \hline
Charfeddine   and Khediri &
  2016 &
  Physica A(444) &
  Saudi Stock index &
  2005-2013 &
  Daily &
  GARCH(1,1) model and detrended   fluctuation analysis technique, the modified R/S statistic, the exact local   whittle and the feasible Exact Local Whittle approach &
  Rejection of weak form market   efficiency hypothesis (except GARCH(1,1)) \\ \hline

\caption{Market efficiency literature on Tadawul}


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