\newcommand{\gridnode}[3]{\draw[color=#3, step=#2] (#1.south east) grid (#1.north west);}
\newcommand{\gridinnode}[3]{\tikz{\draw[color=#3, step=#2] (#1.south east) grid (#1.north west);}}
\draw[draw=none, fill=white] (-4cm, -2cm) rectangle (4cm, 2cm);
\node[rectangle, color=red, inner sep=0, minimum height=2cm, minimum width=3cm, fill=black!20] (mynode) at (0, 0)
% Anything like this one that works would be neat!
% Can I access the color of mynode by using mynode instead of passing in this value?
% BTW: how to align the grid with the node? I don't like to do a lot of calculation.